Hindustan Times (Jalandhar)

Trump calls for probe of Clinton Foundation


AKRON : Republican presidenti­al nominee Donald Trump urged the Justice Department on Monday to appoint a special prosecutor to investigat­e if donors to the Clinton Foundation got special treatment from the State Department when it was run by his rival, Hillary Clinton.

Trump made the appeal at a rally before thousands of cheering supporters in Akron, Ohio, as he tries to rebound from a slide in national opinion polls with little more than two months to go until the November 8 election.

Trump accused former President Bill Clinton and his wife of turning the Clinton Foundation charity into a “pay-for-play” scheme in which wealthy donors, foreign and domestic, got favours from the State Department during Hillary Clinton’s 2009-2013 tenure as the country’s top diplomat.

Trump faulted both the Justice Department and Federal Bureau of Investigat­ion for not indicting Clinton over her use of a private email server as secretary of state. FBI Director James Comey cited her careless handling of classified emails but opted not to prosecutor her.

“The Justice Department is required to appoint a special prosecutor because it has proved to be, sadly, a political arm of the White House,” Trump said. “Nobody has ever seen anything like it before.”

Trump’s appeal came the same day a conservati­ve watchdog group, Judicial Watch, released 725 pages of State Department documents, including some it said were examples of preferenti­al treatment provided to donors at the request of former Clinton Foundation executive Douglas Band.

Trump’s call for the probe followed an announceme­nt by the Clinton Foundation that it would no longer accept foreign donations if Clinton is elected. Her campaign fired back , saying the foundation had already laid out steps the charity will take if Clinton becomes president.

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