Hindustan Times (Jalandhar)

‘Onus on Islamabad to improve India-Pak ties’


WASHINGTON: Relations between India and Pakistan could worsen in 2017 unless there is a “sharp and sustained” drop in cross-border terror attacks from Pakistan, the US intelligen­ce said on Thursday in its first report on worldwide threat assessment under the Trump administra­tion, putting the onus of improving ties on Islamabad.

The report warned of Pakistan’s tactical nuclear weapons being captured by non-state actors, and of “persistent but diffuse” threats from Pakistanba­sed terrorist groups to the US and the West.

Plots against the US homeland, it said, will be “conducted on a more opportunis­tic basis or driven by individual members within these groups”.

The warning that India-Pakistan relations “might deteriorat­e further in 2017” was premised on “the event of another high-profile terrorist attack in India that New Delhi attributes to originatin­g in or receiving assistance from Pakistan”.

The report put the responsibi­lity for improving relations on Pakistan. It echoed India’s position that Pakistan had failed to curb its support to anti-India terrorists and said New Delhi’s “growing intoleranc­e of this policy, coupled with a perceived lack of progress in Pakistan’s investigat­ions into the January 2016 Pathankot cross-border attack” caused a deteriorat­ion of relations last year. HTC

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