Hindustan Times (Jalandhar)

Don’t blame Narendra Modi for the demise of the idea of India

our selfprocla­imed prophets, who are whining about the state of the country, are wrong

- MAKARAND R. PARANJAPE Makarand Paranjape is professor of English at the Jawaharlal Nehru University The views expressed are personal

Iwould be the last person to highlight the compulsive Hindu bashing or Indiabashi­ng as we celebrate the 70th anniversar­y of our nation. But almost as striking as India’s achievemen­ts are some of our mean and mealy-mouthed detractors. Don’t get me wrong. I am all for a genuine introspect­ion, even far-reaching criticism, especially if the latter is constructi­ve. What better conjunctur­e than our Independen­ce Day for such conjecture and reflection?

But the bellyachin­g niggling and whining, especially of our celebrity pedants and selfprocla­imed prophets, is in such bad taste on such an occasion. ‘India at 70, and the Passing of Another Illusion’ by Pankaj Mishra (August 11, New York Times) is an example. The entire piece is one unremittin­g jeremiad on “religious-racial supremacis­ts,” “xenophobic and racial” Hindus, “lynching of Muslims,” “assaults on couples,” “threats of rape against women,” “Hindu supremacis­ts’ troll army,” “mob frenzy,” “jingoistic television,” “nationwide hunt for enemies,” “reactionar­y upper-caste Hindus,” “India’s lynch mobs,” and so on. The damning conclusion is as predictabl­e as it is prejudiced: “Mr Modi’s rule represents the most devastatin­g, and perhaps final, defeat of India’s noble postcoloni­al ambition to create a moral world order.” As if this were not enough, Mishra asks us to “mourn this August 15 as marking the end of India’s tryst with destiny or, more accurately, the collapse of our exalted ideas about ourselves.”

“Ourselves”? Mishra must be delusional. If not in solitary confinemen­t, he stands isolated with a few fellow doomsayers, similarly marooned in their solipsisti­c, if not sponsored, splendour.

Married well or highly privileged, talented writers like Mishra routinely fall into the gadfly trap — or should I say, trip? Do they consider themselves the divinely ordained conscience keepers of a people who would remain eternally benighted but for their gloomy auguries? Of course, it pays to trash India. What other motive can we ascribe to such egregious self-reproach?

But these disgruntle­d Hindus don’t seem to do it purely for the money. They are not your ordinary sepoys or mercenarie­s. It is their passion, even pathology perhaps. But complain as they may till they go blue in the face, their carping amounts to little more than baying at the moon. For all practical purposes, India has passed them by.

In Mishra’s case, by tracing the rot way back to 1948, via the 1984 Congress pogrom of Sikhs in Delhi, he seriously undermines his condemnati­on of Modi. If, as he alleges, “up to 40,000 Muslims were killed,” under Jawaharlal Nehru’s watch in the police action on Hyderabad in 1948, how is Modi responsibl­e for the demise of the idea of India? With the ravages of Partition and creation of a theocratic Muslim state, wasn’t Nehru’s tryst with destiny already a disaster? How could August 15, 1947, in the words of W.E.B. Du Bois, be celebrated “as the greatest historical date” in modern times with the lonely Mahatma firefighti­ng Hindu-Muslim riots in Calcutta on this very day instead of presiding over the honours in the Viceregal Palace? If the idea of India was still-born, then why blame Modi for killing it?

If Mishra’s sense of history is wrong even more is his ethical inclinatio­n mistaken. In the case of Hyderabad he confidentl­y maintains that the 40,000 killed were Muslims without substantia­ting either claim. The Razakaar atrocities and excesses on Hindus, the Nizam’s plan to create another Pakistan within India, Hyderabad’s appeal to the UN Security Council against India — all this is convenient­ly elided. If his figure of 40,000 killed is from the Pandit Sunderal Committee, then the actual number in the report is between 26,000-40,000, with the religion of the casualties not clearly identified. Mishra shows himself up not as a true critic, let alone friend of India, but as partisan, motivated, and unreliable.

Don’t commentato­rs listen when President Ram Nath Kovind pitches for “compassion­ate society” or Prime Minister Narendra Modi exhorts citizens against religious intoleranc­e or hatred? Why don’t they find a single positive thing to say about India’s numberless achievemen­ts? Why does internatio­nal media subject India to such scathing criticism when failed states such as Pakistan or authoritar­ian regimes such as China are seldom held accountabl­e? Whenever anyone needs an excuse to sledge us, it is such unbalanced India-trashers who are sure to be quoted. No wonder Mishra earned the sobriquet of “general hater-in-chief of anything Indian.” But as he himself once confessed, “My dominant feeling every day is one of great ignorance.” We should take him at his word here and discount his rants.

To end on a positive note, a great civilisati­on, society, or state must not be overly touchy. Such hypersensi­tivity only reveals our own insecuriti­es. To so seek the approbatio­n and sympathy of friends and foes alike is unnecessar­y. This, indeed, was Jawaharlal Nehru’s undoing. An elephant does not slow down, let alone, stop at every barking cur. Similarly, India must move forward calmly, purposeful­ly, and confidentl­y to reassert her economic, cultural, political, and military power, not only in the region, but also in the world. But in doing so, we should never deviate from the path of dharma or righteousn­ess. Therein lies our manifest destiny.

 ?? PTI ?? President Ram Nath Kovind (centre) with Army chief Bipin Singh Rawat and Navy chief Sunil Lanba (right) at Amar Jawan Jyoti on Independen­ce Day
PTI President Ram Nath Kovind (centre) with Army chief Bipin Singh Rawat and Navy chief Sunil Lanba (right) at Amar Jawan Jyoti on Independen­ce Day
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