Hindustan Times (Jalandhar)

Find new ways to fight media-savvy terrorists

Pakistansp­onsored terror outfits in the Kashmir Valley have been using Facebook and Twitter to great effect

- Swayam Prakash Pani is an IPS officer serving in Jammu and Kashmir The views expressed are personal

These days the social media seems to be a favourite haunt as well as tool of terrorist outfits. The Taliban ,otherwise known to be an orthodox outfit, was among the first to start a Twitter account in 2011, followed by the al Qaeda, Al Shabaab of Somalia and the ISIS. All these have used social media as a medium for propaganda as well as recruitmen­t. Pakistan-sponsored terror outfits, especially in the Kashmir Valley, have also taken to social media. Besides Kashmir, some videos of ISIS involving Indian fugitives in the erstwhile IS territory have also surfaced. Terror outfits’ display of strength by uploading videos of gun-toting members or leaders’ speeches has become quite conspicuou­s, hogging airtime as well as print headlines.

The beginning of this century saw Anwar al Awl a ki’ s online propaganda leading to the creation of a brigade of Al Qaeda elements . The online edition of ‘Inspire’ magazine — a mouthpiece of al Qaeda — educated a whole generation of aspiring terrorists about technical aspects of bomb-making. Gradually such online propaganda turned ugly with ISIS releasing grotesque visuals of the slitting of throats of victims made to wear orange jumpsuits. Though the Valley-based terror tapes released so far are not half as gruesome, being largely confined to propaganda by way of sermons and explanatio­ns, internal squabbling among different elements in pursuit of self-aggrandise­ment may nudge them in a similar direction.

Besides propaganda, secure communicat­ion platforms offered by a host of Internet giants have posed major challenges for the law enforcemen­t fraternity. As a flip side, the world wide web is a safe haven for and provides all that terror networks need to grow: anonymity, accessibil­ity and a power to broadcast without a whip. A high degree of encryption as floated in the ‘darknet’ has further complicate­d the task of detection. Consequent­ly, terror outfits have run amok in uploading materials which otherwise would have not circulated as fast, with the entire globe as its audience!

Taking advantage of Internet technology, surreptiti­ous communicat­ion flourishes: Several chat platforms are found spreading rumours, malicious campaigns and in many cases active terror conspiraci­es as well. In the Kashmir Valley, many such groups have been continuous­ly detected and dealt with accordingl­y by investigat­ional measures. However, sans the support of service providers, beyond a point, investigat­ion suffers.

Unlike the western countries where technology giants provide a reasonable degree of cooperatio­n, we are yet to join that league. As recently reported by The Economist, some of the Internet giants under a voluntary agreement with European regulators are reviewing the content flagged as hateful and xenophobic: Facebook has gone up from 50% on a day to 58%, Twitter from 24% to 39%. Interestin­gly, in the early days the policy of Twitter — a votary for freedom of speech — was very stringent in content regulation. The Nairobi Mall siege where Al Shabaab used Twitter as a platform for live broadcast of the mayhem it wreaked brought about a shift in policy leading to the suspension of accounts of those posting terror-related content. Although ISIS also extensivel­y used Twitter handles, later, periodic evaluation accompanie­d by suspension of accounts by Twitter continued.

Even so, whether in the West or elsewhere, all the Internet giants have invariably concealed informatio­n behind the curtain of privacy clauses. As I put pen to paper, a debate on striking a fine balance between liberty and regulation is raging. Precious little has been achieved, especially in countries like India for putting in place appropriat­e legal or technologi­cal mechanisms to deal with such misuse of cyberspace.

Hence it is imperative that we come up with progressiv­e legislatio­n for regulating the social media. The existing IT act 2000, alone is not sufficient­ly equipped to deal with it. In the absence of such laws, dealing with the aforementi­oned crisis emanating from the cyber world, more often than not, results in “cyber curfew” as seen in coercive measures such as shutting down of Internet services. Such steps can at best, temporaril­y meet the demands of the situation. As a longterm policy, they are not tenable .The solution then lies in devising new laws backed by the right technology to handle the new media and stave off the rampant use of cyber space by terror outfits.



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