Hindustan Times (Jalandhar)


- (Inner Voice comprises contributi­ons from our readers.) The views expressed are personal Innervoice@hindustant­imes.com n

Learning a lesson from your mistakes or failures is a shot directed towards achieving your goals. It is also the result of your maturity and positivity that makes you try again with unabated hope and zeal. That is why we always recall the adage that one who learns from failures is the one who gets to be the winner of the race, ultimately.

We must understand that there is no way that we won’t make mistakes. We make them more often than we do things correctly. But only a few of us introspect and learn not to repeat such mistakes.

We have numerous examples of famous people who were earlier thought to be misfits or failures, and yet they proved themselves worthy of being iconic figures. Walt Disney was fired from the newspaper he worked for because he “lacked imaginatio­n and had no good ideas.” Similarly, Steve Jobs, the man responsibl­e for the iphone, the ipod and the ipad was sacked unceremoni­ously from Apple, the company he co-founded. We know him today as the ‘father of the digital revolution.’ And, Steven Spielberg was rejected by a film institute thrice. Today, the same institute is named after him.

All this shows that success is, in most cases, the result of turning failure into an experience to guide you towards positive results. Winston Churchill had said: “Failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.”

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