Hindustan Times (Jalandhar)

Preventive detention must be used judiciousl­y

Keeping a person in jail without a trial violates the rule of law even if the Constituti­on sanctions it in principle

- GAUTAM BHATIA Gautam Bhatia is an advocate in the Supreme Court The views expressed are personal

On June 8, Chandrashe­khar Azad, a Dalit leader from Uttar Pradesh, completed one year in jail. Azad was not serving jail time after being convicted in a criminal case. Far from a conviction, there had not even been a trial. Azad was, instead, in “preventive detention”. His time in jail was — and continues to be — sanctioned by the National Security Act (NSA) of 1980, which allows the State to imprison people for up to one year without bringing a charge against them.

The NSA had been invoked by the Uttar Pradesh government in November, when Azad had already been held in custody for a few months on charges of rioting and attempt to murder.

Ironically, it was invoked again, immediatel­y, after Azad was granted bail by the Allahahad High Court, which specifical­ly observed that the charges against him appeared to be politicall­y motivated.

Azad’s year in jail without bail or a trial throws a sharp light upon the Indian Constituti­on’s original sin: a compromise made by the framers in 1950, which has haunted the polity ever since. Writing a Constituti­on for a country racked by the violence of Partition, maintainin­g public order was a primary concern for the framers. For this reason, they introduced in the Fundamenta­l Rights chapter a provision that has few parallels elsewhere: Article 22, which specifical­ly authorises “preventive detention”. Preventive detention had been the colonial regime’s weapon of choice to muzzle political dissent, and its introducti­on into free India’s Constituti­on elicited strident protests. “We were crying hoarse when the Britishers were ruling,” lamented a member of the Constituen­t Assembly, “that they were keeping in custody persons without bringing them to trial.” But Article 22 was ulti- mately adopted on the assurance that it was hedged in with procedural safeguards, and would never be abused by Parliament or by the Executive.

In the 70 years since Independen­ce, however, this hope has proven to be false. Chandrashe­kar Azad’s case is just the latest example of the abuse of preventive detention provisions under laws that strongly resemble their colonial forbears. From the time the Constituti­on came into force, government­s at the state and the centre, of every stripe, colour, and ideology, have invoked preventive detention to lock up inconvenie­nt opponents by slapping vague accusation­s on them, and without the necessity of having to prove them at trial.

The abuse of preventive detention laws has not been tackled by the courts, which have consistent­ly taken the side of the State. Under our Constituti­on, even though preventive detention is authorised, laws that provide for it must still meet the tests of reasonable­ness and proportion­ality. The courts, however, have failed to scrutinise preventive detention laws with any degree of rigour, and to check whether they are consistent with individual liberty and freedom (the National Security Act, for example, was upheld by the Supreme Court in 1980, at a time when the memory of the Emergency was still very fresh). Secondly, under preventive detention laws, any challenge to a detention order does not, in the first instance, go before a court, but before an “advisory board”. As the record shows, however, advisory boards are reluctant to act against the State and set aside orders of detention, primarily on the ground that it is the Executive that is best positioned to assess threats to public order.

That kind of logic might have been suitable for the colonial regime, for which maintainin­g law and order against a restive population was the primary concern, but it cannot be suitable for a democratic and independen­t republic where freedom is a fundamenta­l value. Keeping a person in jail without charge and without trial is a serious violation of the rule of law even if the Constituti­on sanctions it in principle. Its use must be limited to exceptiona­l cases, and scrutinise­d carefully by the advisory boards and the courts. Courts, on their part, should not be hesitant in setting aside preventive detention orders, unless the State can make out a compelling case. That would be truly in keeping with the spirit of the Constituti­on. It would also ensure that the UP government either make good its case against Azad in a court of law or allow him to rejoin his fellow citizens as a free man.


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