Hindustan Times (Jalandhar)

Eye allergies: Symptoms, diagnosis, and remedies


Summer is around the corner. People experience allergies in the eyes at this time. Symptoms include redness in the white of the eyes or inside the lids. Other symptoms include itching, watering, burning sensation, lid swelling, blurring of vision, and light sensitivit­y.

People with eye allergies can also have nasal allergies like sneezing and a skin condition called eczema. Eye become red because they are exposed to allergens like grass, tree, and weed pollen. Some people experience allergies throughout the year caused by dust mites and pet dander. Other substances like perfumes, smoke, air pollution, and cosmetics can also cause allergies.


Eye allergies develop when the body’s immune system becomes sensitised and overreacts to something in the environmen­t which typically causes no problems in most people. An allergic reaction occurs when that something (called an allergen) comes in contact with antibodies attached to the mast cells in your eyes; the eyes respond by releasing Histamine and other substances or chemicals that cause tiny blood vessels to leak and the eyes become itchy, red, or watery. Vernal keratoconj­unctivitis is a more serious eye allergy that occurs in boys and young men. About 75 per cent of patients also have eczema or asthma. Symptoms include itching, significan­t tearing, and production of thick mucous, foreign body sensation, and aversion to light.


The first thing to do is to avoid triggers. Stay indoors when pollen counts are highest, usually in midmorning and early evening. Close the windows and run the air conditioni­ng. When you go out, wear sunglasses. Don’t rub your eyes. This is likely to make symptoms worse. Use cool compresses instead. If you feel no relief from this, kindly contact an eye specialist.

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