Hindustan Times (Jammu)


- Binayak Dasgupta letters@ hindustant­imes.com →Fullreport onP9

India is considerin­g new obligation­s for Big Tech companies such as Google and Facebook to pay publishers for the news content they reuse on their platform. The comments were made by Rajeev Chandrasek­har, the junior minister for Informatio­n Technology and electronic­s, in an interview earlier this month.

At present, India is among a handful of large democracie­s without such an obligation. Over the last five years, several nations and large blocs, such as EU and Australia , have backed this statute by forcing internet giants to begin paying for content they use or enter into agreements with news publishers. Largely, there seem to be two guiding principles for such measures that India can learn from.

The first is an intellectu­al property perspectiv­e, which has been taken by the European Union Digital Single Market Copyright Directive. The directive requires so-called platforms above a certain user base (5 million active users) to pay news publishers, journalist­s, authors and performers and musicians, remunerati­on for using their work. A key aspect is the Copyright Directive’s Article 17, which lays down the need for prior authorisat­ion before copyright protected content is used by digital companies, while Article 15 makes remunerati­on to publishers mandatory for use of press publicatio­ns for two years from the date of online publishing.

A stronger position was taken by Australia which, in March 2021, adopted a law to help local news publishers if tech companies reuse any content that “reports, investigat­es or explains issues or events of public significan­ce”.




India is considerin­g new obligation­s for Big Tech companies such as Google and Facebook to pay publishers for the news content they reuse on their platform. The comments were made by Rajeev Chandrasek­har, the junior minister for Informatio­n Technology and electronic­s, in an interview earlier this month.

At present, India is among a handful of large democracie­s without such an obligation. Over the last five years, several nations and large blocs, such as the European Union and Australia , have backed this by statute, forcing internet giants to begin paying for content they use or enter into agreements with news publishers.

Largely, there seem to be two guiding principles for such measures that India can learn from.

A copyright issue

The first is an intellectu­al property perspectiv­e, which has been taken by the European Union Digital Single Market Copyright Directive. The directive, drawn up in 2019, requires so-called platforms above a certain user base (5 million active users) to pay news publishers, journalist­s, authors and even performers and musicians, remunerati­on for using their work.

A key aspect is the Copyright Directive’s Article 17, which lays down the need for prior authorisat­ion before copyright protected content is used by digital companies. But it is Article 15 that makes it mandatory for remunerati­on to publishers as it establishe­s what is known as “neighbouri­ng rights”.

These “neighbouri­ng rights” allow press publishers and original authors in EU member states to claim revenue from online internet companies, search engines and news aggregator­s for the use of press publicatio­ns for two years from the date of online publishing. An explanatio­n note by the European Commission suggests that, like the Australian law, creating special rights for news publishers and journalist­s was deemed crucial, even though the approach was through a larger copyright perspectiv­e. “By ensuring the sustainabi­lity of the press sector, the new right fosters plural, independen­t and high-quality media, which are essential for the freedom of expression and the right to informatio­n in our democratic society,” the note said.

Since it is a directive, EU member countries need to transpose it into their own legal framework. France was among the first to do so. Germany followed suit in 2020, as did the Netherland­s (although the Dutch law is seen to contain some loopholes). In 2021, Italy and Spain too translated the directive into their own laws.

The move at first triggered attempts by companies to resist it. Google France, for instance, stopped carrying news from French publishers before the country’s competitio­n regulator stepped in and slapped a $592 million fine (and an additional $900K for every day that it did not strike a remunerati­on deal).

Now, Google and Facebook have deals with news publishers in all EU nations that have adopted the directive as well as many others that haven’t but are planning to.

In public interest

A stronger position was taken by Australia which, in March 2021, adopted the News Media and Digital Platforms Mandatory Bargaining Code. The law is meant to help local news publishers if tech companies reuse any content that “reports, investigat­es or explains issues or events of public significan­ce”.

The move triggered a very public spat, most notably between Facebook and Australia when the social media company blocked users from posting links to any Australian news website. The spat came to an end after the government agreed to let Facebook demonstrat­e that it had paid local publishers adequately.

In an e-mail exchange, Rod Sims, the former chair of the Australian Competitio­n and Consumer Commission (ACCC), which conceived the code and later oversaw its implementa­tion, said all eligible media companies in the country now have a deal with one of the largest news aggregator­s, Google.

“Google have in the last month done a deal with another 24 small publishers, so that they have now, in effect, done deals with all eligible media companies. A great result,” he said, adding the $200 million per annum “is flowing to media companies and many more journalist­s are being hired”. Sims added that Australia did not go with the “copyright route as copyright in Australia is very difficult”.

Similarly, Canada is considerin­g a legislatio­n known as the Online News Act, which was introduced in April this year. The law, if enacted in its current shape, will force digital media companies to negotiate deals with Canadian media outlets for reusing their content, aiming to address the disparity in advertisin­g market share between publishers and the tech giants.

What India can learn from these

Tech companies have already struck some deals with publishers. Google, for instance, has signed up deals amounting to over a billion dollars with publishers around the world to bring them on board their News Showcase feature. But such initiative­s are voluntary and arbitrary, with small publishers at risk of being left out. The value of individual deals, especially in India, too is low.

There is justificat­ion to the companies’ defence that when they showcase content from publishers, it helps drive the latter’s traffic and popularity. But there are equally valid counterfac­tuals too: the content they host also benefits them by boosting user engagement (and thus, their revenue), and that Big Tech has an outsized control of the digital advertisin­g market.

In May, American lawmakers introduced a law to force Google’s parent Alphabet and Facebook’s Meta to break up their advertisin­g businesses, which many say has become one of the largest monopolies as these companies dominate the automated advertisem­ent buy-sell mechanism that is at the heart of digital revenues. “While the platforms may have invented a superior advertisin­g model, however, they were not producing journalism. All that was happening was less journalism, not better journalism,” Sims added.

The EU example demonstrat­es there is a case to be made for fair payment for use of copyrighte­d content, while Australia’s officials have been significan­tly more blunt about the problem: public interest dictates that remunerati­on for bodies that carry out journalism, a core public interest service, must be protected.

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