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Dr Smriti Singh, Lucknow



There is no tool for developmen­t more effective than the empowermen­t of women. Dr Smriti Singh, thus, has always emphasized on the education of women which befits their personalit­y in such a way that every woman can fight for her own right. As a director of the Mahila Samakhya Committee, she has made several attempts to build a quality education system. She has propagated enrollment campaigns; Mahila Shikshan Kendra and residentia­l schools for drop out as well as uneducated girls and women. Her dedication towards her work has initiated active participat­ion of Sangh Women in the school management committee and thus, commenced Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya to educate the women. She has launched several vocational courses to provide several women financial independen­ce and has utilized the opportunit­y to establish qualitativ­e primary schools for the children of the registered labour class, namely, Vihaan Balak Residentia­l School and Vihaan Balika Residentia­l School for boys and girls respective­ly.

To overcome the patriarcha­l difference­s, she has demonstrat­ed Nari Adalat in each district and instilled the women related laws in each member of the Mahila Samakhya. She has also conditione­d sensitivit­y in the males of the society to ensure the smooth run of her agenda. Such is the training of the Sangh Women that they collective­ly also deliver justice to the victimized women in their area.

Smriti has devoted herself to this cause to do her bit to accomplish gender equality in the society.

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