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Books instead of Bouquets

- Piyush Jha

It was with great interest that I followed a recent tweet by the Prime Minister in which he said that he would rather be gifted a book instead of bouquets. Although several politician­s across party lines have called for such a change before (Shashi Tharoor and MK Stalin being the notable ones), the idea had not come to the fore until the PM himself endorsed it. I, for one, am certainly rooting for the politician­s on this one. In fact, here’s hoping that the entire nation does so too.

As a child, I always gave books as birthday presents. Over the years, the smiles I used to get turned to looks of disappoint­ment as times changed and gifting books became boring. But I still persisted as I grew into manhood. In fact, while others were wooing their beaus with flowers, I gifted books to my girlfriend (now wife). Fortunatel­y, on the subject of books, we are on the same page.

When you really think about it, the effect of gifted flowers is fleeting. Floral bouquets are beautiful, but they wither and die pretty soon. Apart from good looks and an ephemeral fragrance, a bouquet has little else to offer. Besides, it is highly unlikely that one will remember someone by the bouquets they sent.

Books, on the other hand, are a completely different story. As gifts, they are always precious — no one throws them away in the trash. You may have never even read the book presented to you, but it is quite likely that you will recall the presenter. At my wedding, I received many beautiful bouquets from people. They are long gone, but the one book I received (The Road Less Travelled by M. Scott Peck) still sits on my shelf.

Another pertinent fact about books is their democratic nature — prince or pauper, when gifting a book, you are unlikely to be judged by its price. The choice of book — a timeless classic, an entire collection of Tintin, or the good old bestseller — is what will earn you the smiles or the frowns.

I’m hoping that books soon get back to the top picks in the gifting choice listicles. Dear readers, in the upcoming festival season, forgo flowers and calorie-laden mithai boxes and head to the nearest bookstore instead. This year, say it with books.


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