Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

Let’s call a spade a spade

It is time the armed forces were held accountabl­e for the lapses in preparedne­ss and security, writes BHARAT KARNAD

- Bharat Karnad is professor for national security studies, Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi, and author of Why India is Not a Great Power (Yet) The views expressed are personal

Amid the self-congratula­tory noises emanating from the BJP government and the satisfied snorting of the media commentato­rs in the aftermath of the “surgical strikes” on jihadi targets 2-3 kms across the Line of Control (LoC), several contentiou­s issues have come to the fore.

In the context of a ramped-up Hammurabi Code voiced by the BJP general secretary Ram Madhav who promised “jaw” for “tooth”, the strikes by heli-lifted special forces on seven staging areas in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) were fairly tame, retributiv­e, actions of the kind routinely undertaken by frontline units of the Indian Army in response to some Pakistani provocatio­n or the other. The present strike seems like a scaled up version, for instance, of the shallow penetratio­n and ambush on July 28, 2011, in the 15 Corps sector of a transport carrying Pakistani troops proceeding home on Eid leave, culminatin­g in five heads being taken as trophy. This was retaliatio­n in kind to a Pakistani attack in the previous days on an Indian post and the beheadings of two Indian soldiers.

Such tactical level actions often involving regimental izzat and inconclusi­ve artillery and small arms duels are par for the course. So there was nothing particular­ly novel or new about the attack this time around by Indian paracomman­do. What was innovative, however, was the follow-up move by the Director General, Military Operations, Lieutenant General Ranbir Singh to apprise his Pakistani counterpar­t of the successful Indian operation and to request Pakistan army’s cooperatio­n in eliminatin­g the jihadis. It, in effect, has prevented Pakistan from escalating. But the lapse in time between the Uri attack and the riposte suggests that the commando action was more an afterthoug­ht and a face-saver for the government than a thoroughly prepared action.

This is because of absence of an in-place system facilitati­ng instant, automatic and, depending on the situation, proportion­ate or deterrent response to Pakistan army-driven terrorist events. The evolving internatio­nal norm is for punitive, anti-terrorist actions, to be launched in the immediate wake of an egregious terrorist incident accompanie­d by official assurance (such as by Ranbir Singh) about such strikes being limited response to specific provocatio­n, while indicating readiness to deal with any military reaction and possible escalation.

This requires that India, embroiled in an asymmetric conflict with adversaria­l Pakistan, have strike platforms at the ready at all times, primed by updated intelligen­ce and informatio­n about prioritise­d targets and target coordinate­s, and Pakistan’s military preparedne­ss, etc, so no time is lost for the punishment to get underway. Lacking such a system, each terrorist incident is treated anew and initiates the same rigmarole of bureaucrat­ised consultati­ons up and down the government and the laborious process of conceiving and fleshing out options, this despite two decades of experience of fighting the jihadi-terrorists, who constitute an irregular arm of the Pakistan army.

The system of automatici­ty of proportion­al and punitive retaliatio­n linked to anti-terrorist intent will do two things: Compel Pakistan to carefully think through the kind of terrorist event it may, at any given time, be planning. If it tips over, inadverten­tly or otherwise, into something big, General Headquarte­rs, Rawalpindi (GHQR), would inadverten­tly face a situation spiraling out of its control — something it doesn’t want.

Second, with major provocatio­ns and escalation thus pre-empted, the situation will stabilise at low, mutually tolerable, levels of insurgency-counter-insurgency operations. This is not an ideal situation, but India and Pakistan could live with it until fatigue of the Kashmiris combines with good sense in GHQR to end the turmoil in the Srinagar valley and a compromise is implemente­d with Pakistan along the lines agreed upon by President Pervez Musharraf in the mid-2000s.

A more worrying aspect pertains to the Indian armed services’ characteri­stic unprepared­ness for immediate retaliator­y action. It forced AB Vajpayee after the December 2001 attack on Parliament to order the more wasteful “general mobilisati­on for war” once the Army chief General S Padmanabha­n intimated him that the military was not in a position to take immediate action, and left Manmohan Singh in 2008 with the alternativ­e of doing nothing after he was informed by the air force chief, Air Chief Marshal Fali Major that IAF did not, just then, have target coordinate­s of terrorist camps in PoK.

It is also the military’s complacenc­y and, apparently, habitual laxity about perimeter security that have permitted terrorist intrusions and incidents to happen . The attack on Mumbai in 2008 occurred because the loose, in theory multi-tiered, maritime security allowed the seaborne attackers to slip through. Pathankot happened in January owing to base security being reduced to a joke. And now the Uri event took place because the jihadis sauntered to the camp by taking the un-policed path between the Army and Border Security Force camps that stretches to the LoC.

While it is well to criticise the government and the political class for their terminal indecisive­ness, it is time the Indian armed services are held accountabl­e for inexcusabl­e lapses in preparedne­ss and security. To continue to treat the armed services as holy cow is to fundamenta­lly undermine national defence.

 ?? aFP ?? The Pathankot attack happened owing to base security being reduced to a joke. The Uri event took place because the jihadis sauntered to the camp by taking the unpoliced path between the Army and Border Security Force camps that stretches to the LoC
aFP The Pathankot attack happened owing to base security being reduced to a joke. The Uri event took place because the jihadis sauntered to the camp by taking the unpoliced path between the Army and Border Security Force camps that stretches to the LoC

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