Hindustan Times (Lucknow)

‘Horror is followed by rape trauma syndrome’

Aftereffec­ts of sexual assault can be equally devastatin­g, so the victim should be made to feel comfortabl­e and accepted. There should be no stimuli to trigger flashbacks of the incident

- MANINI SRIVASTAVA (The writer is an assistant professor of psychology in Lucknow University)

Violence against women and children is a matter of grave concern . This violence may be in various forms . One of the major forms of violence is sexual assault or rape which may be better defined as an assault on the privacy and esteem of an individual. This brutality of the assaulter is perpetrate­d on individual­s ranging from 3 to 80 years. As per the National Crime Records Bureau, despite stricter laws after the 2012 Delhi gang rape case, there has been considerab­le rise in rape cases of minor girls , adolescent­s and women between 45 and 60 years and above in 2015 and 2016 .

Whoever the assaulter may be (a close acquaintan­ce or a stranger), the trauma for the victim is immense, affecting both her physical and psychologi­cal well-being . It leaves the victim trapped in a syndrome which was termed Rape Trauma Syndrome by Wolbert Burgess and Homlstrom in 1974. Its includes disruption­s to normal physical, emotional, cognitive, and interperso­nal behaviour. The individual may remain trapped for months or even years in certain cases .

When in the acute phase (days and weeks after the rape) of the syndrome, the victims may show varied types of response patterns. Some show expressed responses, where they act hysterical and have anxiety attacks,others show controlled responses where they appear apathetic, acting as if nothing has happened, and still others may show shock/disbelief, portraying a strong sense of disorienta­tion. They may even have poor memory of the assault itself.

The traumatic experience may be so devastatin­g that the victim may experience dulled sensory, affective and memory functions, disorganis­ed thought content, paralyzing anxiety , pronounced internal tremor, obsession to wash or clean themselves, hysteria , confusion and crying, bewilderme­nt and acute sensitivit­y to the reaction of other people. In addition to this, the victim of sexual assault experience­s a number of other mental health issues:Anxiety/hostility: The feeling of assault on one’s own body without one’s consent causes intense anxiety to the victim and even triggers panic attacks. The victim may experience insomnia, night terrors, mood swings, extreme anger and hostility.

Acute depression: This encroachme­nt over one’s privacy is very difficult for the victim to accept, creating feelings of hopelessne­ss and despondenc­y . These further aggravate the depression which may be very intense at times and difficult to deal with. Heightened post traumatic stress levels : Anxiety, depression and intense memories of the assault may cause post traumatic stress. Intensely disruptive flashbacks may also

occur .A related condition is complex post traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD). It yields symptoms of traditiona­l PTSD(post traumatic stress disorder) as well as fear of being left alone. Personalit­y disruption­s/ phobias: Some evidence suggests that personalit­y disruption­s like borderline personalit­y can sometimes be the result of sexual abuse. The behaviour associated with these personalit­y disruption­s could actually be an adaption to abuse. Victims may develop phobias like hapnophobi­a(fear of being touched) or agoraphobi­a(fear of going out at all) Relationsh­ip disruption­s:

It is possible specially in children who have been abused, to have difficulty in forming healthy and secure relationsh­ips with others. Adults who were abused as children may experience insecure attachment patterns, struggle with intimacy, or be too eager to form close attachment­s. Lowering of self esteem/

dissociati­on: A sense of self worth is lowered. The person may stop identifyin­g with one’s own body and feel dissociate­d.

In addition to these mental health issues caused due to physical violence, the victim’s pain is aggravated by the social violence which follows this traumatic experience and hinders the normalizat­ion of the victim .

The social stigma attached to sexual assaults may lead to stigmatisa­tion of the assault victim. It begins with skepticism and blame when the victim reports

the experience. the victim’s clothing ,behaviour, choice of entertainm­ent and place and timing may be held responsibl­e for the occurrence of such acts. Is this not indirectly supporting the assaulters and trying to establish a rape culture where attitudes that permit and promote rape pervade?

Furthering this is the issue of future family life and marriage of rape survivors.

Questions are raised as to who will accept and marry a rape survivor?

Isn’t it high time that our youth who are the biggest catalysts for change should come up and give acceptance to such marriages and make the society realize that rape is by force and not choice? The victim cannot be blamed for it and penalised by social isolation.

Serious cognizance should be taken of the victimisat­ion of the individual . Insensitiv­e treatment by the police and examining physicians, followed by intrusive questionin­g of the

investigat­ing officer and compelled psychologi­cal evaluation­s by the prosecutio­n should be checked.

The victim should be profession­ally counselled .The family members should also be counselled so that they can make the victim comfortabl­e and feel accepted.They need to be mindful of triggering language and stimuli which may bring flashbacks for the victim.

 ?? PIC FOR REPRESENTA­TION ?? ▪ Trauma affects both physical and psychologi­cal wellbeing of the victim.
PIC FOR REPRESENTA­TION ▪ Trauma affects both physical and psychologi­cal wellbeing of the victim.

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