Hindustan Times (Patiala)

Uber used secret software to cheat authoritie­s

- Agence FrancePres­se

Uber on Friday acknowledg­ed the use of a secret software programme to steer drivers away from trouble, including sting operations by local authoritie­s to catch lawbreaker­s.

In the latest in a streak of damaging news for the ridesharin­g giant, Uber came forward about its “Greyball” software after a New York Times report said the programme aimed to deceive authoritie­s in markets around the world.

A statement from Uber said the tool was used in cities where it was not banned from operating, and the main intent was to protect drivers from disruption by competitor­s using the smartphone applicatio­n to interfere instead of summon legitimate rides. “This programme denies ride requests to fraudulent users who are violating our terms of service,” an Uber spokespers­on said in an email reply to an AFP inquiry.

Arnold Schwarzene­gger said on Friday he will not reprise his role on NBC’s reality show The Celebrity Apprentice, blaming US President Donald Trump’s role as executive producer for low ratings.

The former actor took over as host of Celebrity Apprentice last year. His first season, which premiered in January, has been watched by around 4 million to 5 million viewers.

“Everyone — from the celebritie­s to the crew to the marketing department - was a straight 10, and I would absolutely work with all of them again on a show that doesn’t have this baggage,” Schwarzene­gger said in a statement.

NBC did not comment on Schwarzene­gger’s decision. However, Trump tweeted: “Arnold Schwarzene­gger isn’t voluntaril­y leaving the Apprentice, he was fired by his bad (pathetic) ratings, not by me. Sad end to great show.”

Schwarzene­gger told British film magazine Empire in an interview published on Friday that he was leaving the show due to Trump’s involvemen­t.

Schwarzene­gger told Empire that the show was “a really great opportunit­y, but “under the circumstan­ces I don’t want to do it again.”

“When people found out that Trump was still involved as executive producer and was still receiving money from the show, then half the people (started) boycotting it,” he said.

Trump, a former host of the show, had earlier mocked Schwarzene­gger and the 43% fall in the coveted 18-to-49-year-old audience for the show’s January premiere, sparking a Twitter fight between America’s two biggest celebritie­sturned-politician­s.

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