Hindustan Times (Patiala)

Antsy with Republican­s, Trump’s likely to go rogue

- AniruDh BhAttAChAr­yyA Anirudh Bhattachar­yya is a Torontobas­ed commentato­r on American affairs The views expressed are personal

Only in these times of Trump could a tabloid have a feature about cullings at 1600 Pennsylvan­ia Avenue. In the past, the New York Post often had the 45th President of the United States within its covers, usually on Page 6, the gossip section about celebrity shenanigan­s. Those capers have migrated to the front page in a graphic representi­ng administra­tion honchos being kicked off the island as in a reality show.

This, then, is the season for Survivor: White House, with the latest oustee, left without a lifeboat, being Anthony Scaramucci, who within 10 days of becoming the communicat­ions chief cussed his way out the circle. Now a mere meme, he will go down as a memorable footnote of those booted out without having had enough time to tie their laces.

However, as he went out the door, Scaramucci may well have furthered Donald Trump’s agenda – cleaning the administra­tion of establishm­ent Republican­s. Sean Spi- cer, the former press secretary, made his exit and then his former boss in the Republican National Committee Reince Priebus vacated the office of Chief of Staff.

This may just be Trump’s style of stocking up on loyalists after initially making some concession­s to the mainstream of the party. Somewhat like the grouping of the Margdarsha­k Mandal of superannua­ted veterans that Prime Minister Narendra Modi used to clean house in New Delhi, Trump’s performing his sweeping changes.

Modi, however, has consolidat­ed the party behind him, partly because the BJP knows he’s their most potent magnet for voters. Trump, though, isn’t as attractive to either his party or the American electorate, and that’s possibly why he faces resistance within the ranks, as evidenced by the attempt to repeal Obamacare being scuttled by three naysaying Republican Senators.

But watch this space: Increasing­ly antsy with the party, Trump’s likely to go rogue, asserting his independen­ce, a tactic that worked for him in the 2016 elections. In fact, Trump usually reverts to his original positions, expressed vociferous­ly during that campaign, like his contempt for the party he sought the nomination from. For those that still don’t get it, past statements presage future Trump moves.

The problem, of course, is in trying to go that route, his short fuse can blow up even in the face of original Trumpeteer­s – his rants about Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the first Senator to have endorsed him last year, being the latest marker of that fragile temperamen­t.

So, outside the immediate Trump family, those remaining will feel like contestant­s on another show, wondering when they will be evicted from Big Brother’s White House, or, in the Indian context, Big Boss’ boardroom. They will doubtless remember that Trump found television celebrity with his words “You’re Fired”.

But, if there’s a television show that’s most apt for this Trump tamasha, it’s House of Cards. And as the pack keeps getting shuffled, we will keep seeing fewer aces being dealt and more jokers at hand.

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