Hindustan Times (Patiala)

Trump unveils infra plan, budget for 2019

- Yashwant Raj yashwant.raj@hindustant­imes.com n

US President Donald Trump on Monday unveiled his vaunted infrastruc­ture plan which is expected to lead to spending $1.5 trillion on refurbishi­ng and upgrading the country’s roads, bridges and airports.

His administra­tion was later scheduled to announce its budget for 2019, which sets aside $18 billion for a wall along the Mexico border.

Both measures will have to be legislated by Congress.

The infrastruc­ture plan proposes $200 billion in federal funding to states, cities and local government­s, who will be expected raise the rest of the financing, which is estimated to add up to $1.5 trillion over the next 10 years. The plan has been described as a financing scheme that shifts the burden of funding infrastruc­ture on to local government­s, who would likely raise the money through taxes, fee, toll and fee of services.

“We’re going to get the roads in great shape,” Trump said at a White House event to announce his infrastruc­ture plan. “Washington no longer will be a roadblock to progress.”

According to a fact-sheet released ahead of Trump’s speech, the White House said $100 billion will go as incentives to states and local government­s, and the rest will be split up among credit schemes and funds aimed towards spurring infrastruc­ture investment­s. A block grant of $50 billion will go to rural infrastruc­ture that “has been left behind for too long”.

Around $21 billion will be proposed in the 2019 budget. The budget proposals will also include $23 billion for border security, of which $18 billion will be set aside for the border wall.

 ?? REUTERS FILE ?? US President Donald Trump
REUTERS FILE US President Donald Trump

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