Hindustan Times (Patiala)

The Mahatma’s legacy for the world

His views on public service, developmen­t, rural empowermen­t, and social evils are relevant today

- M VENKAIAH NAIDU M Venkaiah Naidu is vice president of India The views expressed are personal

On October 2, 1869 —150 years ago — an extraordin­ary individual called Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born in Porbandar, Gujarat. Through his pathbreaki­ng ideas and actions, he evolved into a Mahatma and left an indelible footprint on the sands of time. Today, while recalling his immeasurab­le contributi­on, on the occasion of his 150th birth anniversar­y, we are amazed at the inexhausti­ble treasure he has bequeathed to the world. That he was an Indian, and that we had him as our leader during the most crucial period in our history, makes us infinitely proud.

The inheritanc­e he has gifted us, in fact, is a perennial fountain of inspiratio­n. Prime Minister Narendra Modi rightly pointed out the other day that Gandhian principles act as a moral compass today as the world grapples with the growing challenges of climate change, terrorism and corruption. Gandhiji’s abiding faith in the collective will of the people, his profound moral concern, relentless endeavour to bridge socioecono­mic inequaliti­es, and faith in a shared destiny are relevant more than ever today.

As we reflect on the quality of our polity and governance, it might be worthwhile to recall his conception of swaraj and his vision of governance expressed in the geometrica­l metaphors of a square and a circle. Writing in the journal Harijan on January 2,1937, he gives us his concept of swaraj:

“Let there be no mistake about my conception of swaraj. At one end you have political independen­ce, at the other the economic. It has two other ends. One of them is moral and social, the correspond­ing end is dharma, i.e. religion in the highest sense of the term. It includes Hinduism, Islam, Christiani­ty etc. but is superior to them all. Let us call this the square of swaraj, which will be out of shape if any of its angles is untrue.”

The four corners of the swaraj square are as relevant to our contempora­ry context as they were when Gandhiji formulated them.

Another conception that is gaining great relevance today is the need to make developmen­t a people-centric process. Gandhiji’s vision of governance had people as the main agents of change. For him, decentrali­sation was an article of faith. As he postulated, “Independen­ce must begin at the bottom. Thus, every village will be a republic or panchayat having full powers. Life will not be a pyramid with the apex sustained by its bottom. But it will be an oceanic circle whose centre will be the individual.” This was the Gandhian dream of inclusive, facilitati­ve, sustainabl­e developmen­t adopting a bottom-up approach.

Gram swaraj was integral to this vision of the oceanic circle of developmen­t deriving strength from the collective strength of the core.

Gandhiji’s dream of gram swaraj acquires greater relevance today when our country, under the leadership of PM Modi, is seeking to bridge the rural-urban divide by empowering villages through a sustainabl­e and holistic growth model. This includes interventi­ons in education, health care, infrastruc­ture, hygiene and sanitation, as envisioned by Gandhi. The eradicatio­n of social evils like untouchabi­lity and promotion of communal harmony were central to Gandhian thought. So was sanitation, which, he felt, was more important than even political independen­ce.

The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, launched in 2014, is perhaps among the greatest tributes paid, in letter and spirit, to the memory of Gandhiji. His emphasis on cleanlines­s is the mainspring of this initiative. Making it a people’s movement is in consonance with the Gandhian ideal.

When we introspect on the quality of our parliament­ary democracy, Gandhiji’s words provide some illuminati­ng guidance. Writing in Young India in 1920, he warned that “a most perfect constituti­on may be rendered nugatory if it is handled by selfish or ignorant councillor­s”, and that “if the voters wake up only to register their votes every three years or more and then go off to sleep, their servants will become their masters”. For Gandhiji, character was the most important criteria for public service. He emphatical­ly said, “I consider it impossible for a man without character to do higher national service so that if I were a voter from among the list, I would first select men of character.” He felt that ministers should hold their offices as avenues for service.

On the conduct of the legislator­s, Gandhiji had laid out clearly that it “would have to be that of strictest honesty and courtesy in dealing with his opponents. He will not resort to shady politics, will not hit below the belt, will never take mean advantage of his adversary”.

Gandhiji said that the following seven deadly sins have to be avoided: wealth without work; pleasure without conscience; knowledgew­ithoutchar­acter;commerce(business) without morality (ethics); science without humanity; religion without sacrifice; and politics without principle. These are the elements of the moral compass that Gandhiji presented to humanity. They are touchstone­s of ethical behaviour so essential for a just and harmonious society.

As our nation gains in economic strength and inclusive developmen­t, making the fruits of swaraj accessible to everyone, Gandhiji’s words are a useful reminder to ascertain if we are moving in the right direction.

Swaraj, for Gandhiji, was “not a matter of receiving or taking”. It was one of evolution. “We either grow to it from day to day or we go away from it. If we, as a nation, are becoming more and more conscious of ourselves, of the fundamenta­l unity of millions, then, we are certainly progressin­g towards it. Whereas if we are dissolving, then we are receding from it.” Unity, harmony and progress underpin this vision. The government’s endeavours have the same overarchin­g goal encapsulat­ed in its Sabka saath, sabka vikas, sabka vishwas approach.

It would be also pertinent to recall the words of Martin Luther King Jr on the relevance of Gandhi. He said: “If humanity is to progress, Gandhi is inescapabl­e. He lived, thought, and acted, inspired by the vision of humanity evolving toward a world of peace and harmony. We may ignore him at our own risk.”

 ?? NATIONAL GANDHI MUSEUM ?? For Gandhi, character was the key criterion for public service
NATIONAL GANDHI MUSEUM For Gandhi, character was the key criterion for public service
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