Hindustan Times (Patiala)

Winning the war against Covid-19

India doesn’t lack resources. It lacks a strategy to join the dots, monitor execution, bridge gaps. But there is a way out

- Raghu Raman is founding CEO, Natgrid The views expressed are personal

We are facing a war on the medical and financial front. To wage a successful war, the entire national capacity has to be leveraged. Resources, energies and mindshare of leaders have to be synergised and concentrat­ed on the point of decision, which, in this case, is minimising the damage of the pandemic. Synergy has to be shepherded through a series of negotiatio­ns, persuasion, and coordinati­on.

We have some strategic advantages. Though belated, a sense of national emergency is kicking in among citizens. We have an excellent communicat­ion system with deep penetratio­n of mobile phones, which is useful for planning. Aadhaar is a robust mechanism to coordinate and control vaccinatio­n and drug delivery. Our technology prowess can help solve resource allocation problems. Our top 200 corporates can reach every part of the country in terms of logistical and management bandwidth. We also have a fair amount of idle aviation capacity to cart resources between cities.

Our challenge, thus, is not an absolute resource shortage, but the ability to join the dots, monitor execution, and bridge gaps quickly. If we have to fight a war against Covid-19, then we must follow the 10 principles of war.

The first principle is the selection and maintenanc­e of a singular aim. We must have the aim of fighting the health and financial crisis, and maintain it throughout. Wartime decisions can seldom satisfy all stakeholde­rs and hence statesmans­hip is needed.

Second, the maintenanc­e of morale. This has three elements. Citizens have to be given the true picture, no matter how grim; shown the road map for the way out; and demonstrat­ed quick wins. If there is dissonance between the narrative and reality, the credibilit­y of the narratives and narrators gets diffused, diminishin­g unity of purpose.

Third, offensive action, or a series of practical steps that seize initiative, maintain momentum, and create advantageo­us positions. Resources must be allocated proactivel­y and initiative to implement the strategy left to local leaders. Higher formations focus on provisioni­ng of resources and lower ones deploy those on the ground. There will be compelling and unsatisfia­ble demands from lower formations, but that is the nature of war; hence, higher formations will need to frame strategic long-term priorities. Towards that end, cities which are strategic, financial and industrial hubs will need to be safeguarde­d first. If those nodes fail, everything else will collapse.

Fourth, security — defined as provision and maintenanc­e of an operating environmen­t that affords necessary freedom of action to achieve objectives. Imbalance in supply and demand, especially of life-saving resources, breeds moral and material corruption. Any blockage of resources, be it because of bureaucrat­ic hurdles, apathy or greed, sabotages the war effort. The government should leverage the capacity of institutio­ns created specifical­ly for fusing thousands of databases that can provide visibility of resource allocation­s and dispensati­on, preventing leakages and delays. The mandate of such organisati­ons needs to be changed but that, too, is the nature of war. Entire assembly lines convert to producing war material in times of existentia­l emergencie­s.

The fifth principle — surprise — acts in reverse in this case. There must be a second and third order of thinking so that surprise is minimised. Every decision has unintended consequenc­es, for instance the exodus of migrants following the lockdown. In wartime, decisions are often between one wrong and a lesser wrong. Red teams must evaluate the implicatio­ns of major decisions and create credible implicatio­n flows that allow decision-makers to evaluate the lesser evil. These teams must be populated by imaginativ­e thinkers pooled from every ministry and the corporate sector.

Sixth, concentrat­ion of forces. Prioritisi­ng frontline workers for vaccinatio­n was an example of this principle. Leaders often spread their resources too thin; so, they don’t make a decisive impact.

The seventh principle, economy of effort, recognises that resources will always be short in war and, therefore, every effort must be leveraged to its fullest. This implies strict watch on wastage, cold-chain storage, and ironing out process delays to ensure that there is least friction in the system.

Eighth, flexibilit­y. Once there is an overall strategy, implementa­tion must be delegated down with adequate empowermen­t and oversight. For instance, local leaders may find that their population can be more easily vaccinated as a family unit, rather than through the age criteria. Such changes must be allowed on the ground.

Ninth, cooperatio­n. This involves teamwork and a sharing of dangers, burdens, risks and opportunit­ies in every aspect of warfare. This key principle is often the Achilles heel of most campaigns as dangers, burdens and risks are often borne by the majority while a smaller cohort seeks the opportunit­ies and glory. Such campaigns usually lose steam, morale, and consequent­ly, their efficacy.

The last principle, sustainabi­lity, is to generate the means by which fighting power is sustained and freedom of action maintained. Which is where the larger issue of the economic front kicks in. Without that engine grinding back, the war against the pandemic will start sputtering.

These principles of war give us a road map. The only silver lining for a nation at war is that despite internal bickering, there is an opportunit­y to unleash its full potential. It is not the absolute lack of resources or knowledge that defeats nations but the hubris of past victories, underestim­ating the adversary, and not altering strategy when required.

 ?? SUNILGHOSH/HT PHOTO ?? In wars, what defeats nations is the hubris of past victories, underestim­ating the adversary, and not altering strategy when required. But if the nation unleashes its full potential, victory is possible
SUNILGHOSH/HT PHOTO In wars, what defeats nations is the hubris of past victories, underestim­ating the adversary, and not altering strategy when required. But if the nation unleashes its full potential, victory is possible
 ??  ?? Raghu Raman
Raghu Raman

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