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5 rules of dining etiquette


Etiquette affects every aspect of dining. Your dining manners leave a lasting impression everywhere you go. So here are a few etiquette rules for you to ensure that you always leave a lasting impression.

1Don’t put your cell phone, your wallet or your keys on the table. A vibrating phone is a distractio­n for you and the waiter. The dining table is a space for the food to be served. Hence, it should not be cluttered by your keys or your wallet.

2Know where to place your napkin. If you are with the host, then wait for the host to place the napkin in his/her lap before you begin to start eating. Remember, napkin goes on your chair seat if your going to the washroom. And when you are finished with the meal, place the napkin on the left side of the plate, not folded, but neatly placed.

3Never place your cutlery by the side of your plate when you’re done eating. This can be considered rude manners. Rather, place the knife and fork together at the 10:20 position on the plate.

4Never yell at your waiter. Sometimes you want your waiter’s attention quickly and you end up yelling. Rather, try to make eye contact with the waiter. If that doesn’t work, raise your right hand up with your index finger raised slightly to get their attention.

5 Last but not the least, remember your table manners. Always wipe your fingers and mouth with the napkin. Bread and butter should be on your plate, never mid-air.

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