Hindustan Times (Patna) - Hindustan Times (Patna) - Live

the crosswords




01 Approachin­g resort of St Malo (6)

04 Parental couple taken round an

internatio­nal waterway (6)

09 Smart effort surrounds a city (7)

10 Chopper blade going to and fro (5)

11 People count on them to send them to sleep (5)

12 An empty form of recompense (7)

13 It is unbeatable at the card table (3,2,6)

18 It’s a heap of use to gardeners (7)

20 Gymnastic animal (5)

22 Study French (5)

23 Return journeys to the Australian bush? (7)

24 It comes to the fore in the footwear industry (6)

25 What bleach will do when it is brought in (6)


01 02 A Complexway to gain network admissionh­olds one (6)

source of oil (5)

03 A set preliminar­y (7)

05 Right to go in a light dress (5)

06 New part ordered in Belgium (7)

07 Lend a certain sparkle (6) 08 Contest the capitalist­ic thesis

(11) 14 Put income down or work it out

electronic­ally (7)

15 Remove all traces (7) 16 A sound characteri­stic of many

foreigners (6) 17 An unpopular American in a

jacket (6)

19 Work-time entertainm­ent (5)

21 Cook a sort of stew (5)



01 Reserved and modest (6)

04 Like better (6)

09 Supplement to a will (7)

10 Sudden uncontroll­able fear (5)

11 i.e. (2,3)

12 With everything included (3,4)

13 Agree things are now even (4,2,5)

18 To free from blame (7)

20 Not functionin­g (5)

22 Area of indefinite extent (5)

23 Huge (7)

24 In good spirits (6)

25 Impassive (6)


01 Duplicity (6)

02 Tiny gnatlike fly (5)

03 Performanc­e of music (7)

05 Ward off (5)

06 Discover (4,3)

07 Grow less (6)

08 Defuse tension by discussion (5,3,3)

14 In jeopardy (2,5)

15 Dishevelle­d (7)

16 North European sea (6)

17 Be present at (6)

19 Subsequent (5)

21 Involving punishment (5)

 ??  ??

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