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Don’t be judgementa­l


About two months back I confessed to a guy that I love him. He appreciate­d that I loved him, and then stopped talking. He said our chats weren’t going anywhere. He last texted me in October. What should I do? —CY

Listen, Ms.Cy, (I believe that’s your name), I took out my calculator and tried to figure out, how many days have passed since October. But apparently, you have to put batteries in a calculator before they respond to human touch. Now speaking of human touch, your guy has clearly had a panic attack. This is normally followed by heavy sweating, and constant vomiting. To me, it appears as if he’s clearly not interested. He’s told you that chats are going nowhere, and he’s gone undergroun­d for more than a month. My money is on demonetsat­ion being sorted out, before he starts texting. We can’t force love, unless we’re military conquerors, so I think you need to let this one slide.

A few months back I started dating my schoolmate. She loves me like crazy. In school, she had fallen for me, but this time around I fell for her. I got to know that she was physical with two other guys before I started dating her. This is bothering me a lot. Also, she is drinking a lot these days. Should I wait for things to change or end the relationsh­ip?


Anonymous, does your car plate number start with the letters M.C.P.? So what if she’s been with other guys, or that she likes her drink?? C’mon? You seem to be the controllin­g kind, like the Visigoth leader Germaine the Vth. Germaine had several wives. All of whom he wanted to look like his brother Rudolf. Bearing mind his brother was just 7 year old for a major part of his life, of course. You need to chill, stop being so judgementa­l, and don’t try to mould her. Enjoy her for her.

I’ve been in a relationsh­ip for the last four years. But, from the past year-and-a-half I’ve started loving my boyfriend’s friend. My boyfriend knows about this and has asked me not to talk to him. But, we are still talking. I don’t want to be in multiple relationsh­ips or to make everyone happy. What should I do? —RT

R.T., the answer to your problem lies in Billy Shakespear­e’s famous play, “The Two Gentlemen of Verona”. However, reading this play will take you a month and a half. Not because of the complicate­d prose, but because of the very small font. (Shakespear­e’s time pens were the same size as pins). And yes, don’t try to make everyone happy, that never works, just ask Hillary Clinton, if you don’t believe me. Your choice is actually simple, The Boyfriend or the friend. I think you are more inclined toward the friend. If this is so, you need to find a little courage to tell the boyfriend the truth, and then move on. Apparently, courage is easily available on internet sites. Although conditions apply. Be true to yourself, and don’t waste other people’s time, please.

Every time I’ve proposed someone, I’ve got a negative reply. All the girls I meet are either committed or like someone else or are not yet over their ex. Will I ever find a girl? —Yoyo

Yoyo, the answer is Yes, Yes and No, No. Let me assure you the average scoring rate of the average male according to consensus taken worldwide, is as low as 16%. Which means only 1 time out of 7 is a proposal accepted. And, that’s mostly only because the woman is not paying attention, on that particular occasion. The answer is yes, you will find a girl, but I can’t tell you whether it will be next Tuesdayor in 20 years. So keep trying. Try, try & try. That’s how I learned to tie my shoelaces anyway. And also, don’t think of the result all the time, try instead to meet and find a small connection with a girl. Common ground. Things you are both into. The small things. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Apparently, it took two days to build, and they worked nights. So I suggest you do the same. Keep trying, never give up. Onward, Solider!

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