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1 A feature of credit (9)

8 New book (5)

9 One that’s cracked shell (7)

10 It will have an enormous bill to face (6)

11 Doesn’t sound it but it’s hot (6)

12 Home to have pride in (5,3)

15 Biblical swine are eager and wild (8)

18 They’re provided for the rest of the layers (6)

20 Regions unite concerning charity (6)

21 Determined type gives a sign to follow (7)

22 We hear forty of the Romans do better (5)

23 No longer an individual to esteem, that’s clear (9)


2 Put one’s finger on how to raise money (5)

3 Don’t forget to come again (6)

4 Work in vile prison (8)

5 Give orders for some frozen joints of meat (6)

6 Head off disaster and have a party with fruit (7)

7 Pointed remarks may still be made with it (9)

11 Fish gone astray in the angler’s basket (6,3)

13 Upset an open container (8)

14 Don’t return for an increase (7)

16 Loud noise from the back seat (6)

17 Going after a dog, it takes the lead (6)

19 The first defeat for a swimmer (5)

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