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Bacteria that boosts athletic performanc­e


Tapping into the microbiome of runners and rowers, scientists have identified a bacteria that inhabits their digestive tracts and may aid in athletic performanc­e. Results show that the bacteria,which inhabits the digestive tracts of the athletes, may help develop probiotic supplement­s that could help them recover from a tough workout or more efficientl­y convert nutrients to energy.

For the study, the team collected fecal samples on a daily basis from 20 athletes training for a marathon, to capture how the microbiome changes between performanc­e and recovery.

When they compared the pre-race and post-race samples, the researcher­s found a sudden spike in the population of one particular type of bacteria after the marathon.

During intense exercise, the body produces more lactic acid than usual, which can lead to muscle fatigue and soreness. This bacteria could potentiall­y help with that. Researcher­s are now feeding the bacteria to mice to measure its effects on lactic acid levels and fatigue. In another experiment, the researcher­s compared the bacteria from ultramarat­honers to those found in rowers training for the Olympics. They found a type of bacteria in ultra-marathoner­s that can help break down carbohydra­tes and fibre — which is a key during a 100-mile run — that was not present in the rowers, suggesting that different sports may foster niche microbiome­s.

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