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Watch when you eat

- Susan Jose susan.jose@hindustant­imes.com ■

Arecent research by a team of scientists from China Agricultur­al University, Beijing, and Guangxi Medical University, Nanning in China, and University of Texas Southweste­rn Medical Center, Dallas, and University of California, Irvine in USA, establishe­d a relation between the timings of eating and the health of your skin.

The team discovered that eating at abnormal times disrupts the genes that control the ageing of skin. “There is a concept known as time-restricted feeding (TRF), which affects a key DNA repair gene called XPA,” says Dr Saurabh Shah, dermatolog­ist. He adds, “The researcher­s have found that

abnormal eating habits disrupt the epidermal barrier. This disruption leads to skin’s increased susceptibi­lity to sun’s harmful UV radiation; thus making the skin sustain more sun induced damage during the day.”

Dr Rinky Kapoor, dermatolog­ist and skin laser specialist, further breaks it down. “Eating at abnormal times disrupts the biological clock of the skin, including the daytime potency of an enzyme that protects against the sun’s harmful ultraviole­t radiation, thus, indicating that people who eat late at night may be more vulnerable to sunburn, skin ageing and skin cancer,” she says.


Caffeine: Too much coffee can give rise to increase of stress hormones such as cortisol and that can lead to breakouts.

Dairy: Cheese, paneer, ice creams, sweets and chocolates can increase the androgen levels in one’s body, which can increase the sebum secretion and lead to acne. Preserved foods: Can cause increase of insulin, which causes a lot of inflammati­on. They can also break down the collagen and

elastin, which causes the skin to sag

Salted food: Chips, pretzels, cheese, etc. can cause lot of water retention, and thus cause bloating.

Hydration: Some people “forget to drink water”. That poses serious risk to the skin and the body. Drinking enough water is necessary to flush out the bad toxins and give the skin a radiant look

Alcohol: Heavy drinking causes dehydratio­n, which can lead to dullness, wrinkles and dry skin. It can trigger or increase severity of skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.

People who eat late at night may be more vulnerable to sunburn, skin ageing and skin cancer DR RINKY KAPOOR, DERMATOLOG­IST

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