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How to eat healthy while on a vacation


For many, the best part of a vacation is to experience delicious meals and soak in the local flavours. However, all this gluttony can impact your health and show up on your waistline. Here are some easy tips to keep in mind while eating out during your vacation. We spoke to Dr Manoj Kuteri, a wellness experts, who says meal planning is the key. Carry your own snacks: Avoid the temptation of snacking at airports as you are more likely to pick up unhealthy options such as pizza, burgers, cookies or chips. Carry trail mixes, homemade granola, popcorn, chopped raw vegetables

with hummus and fruits like apple, plums and pears.

Find a supermarke­t: Pick up some fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds that can serve as snacks or a breakfast alternativ­e. Fill up on healthy foods at the breakfast or lunch

buffet: Focus on getting plenty of fresh fruits, salads and greens, and whole grains such as oatmeal on your plate. Then, if you are forced to eat some lesser healthy meals throughout the day, you will have at least eaten plenty of produce and fibre at one or two meals. Choose sit-down restaurant­s instead of fast food establishm­ents: This will give you a better

opportunit­y to ask your server how food items are prepared and add special requests for healthier meals, such as dressings on the side, grilled or broiled instead of fried. Select the right food:

Pick fatty fish such as salmon, grilled chicken, fresh salads, broth-based soups and wraps or sandwiches. Choose your splurges:

Consider your favourite things and enjoy them, but pass on the things you can easily find at home. For example, you can have a sauce-filled cheesy roll at home, but that gourmet tiramisu or top-shelf martini can be harder to come by.


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