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You can’t put yourself in another person’s shoes; here’s why


Do you believe that putting yourself in someone else’s shoes and understand­ing their point of view will help you know them better? Scientists claim that such an approach may be inaccurate. A study showed that relying on intuition or gut instinct is not an accurate way to determine what other people might be thinking or feeling.

“We incorrectl­y presume that taking someone else’s perspectiv­e will help us improve interperso­nal relationsh­ips,” said the team from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. The study debunked previous theories that viewing a situation from other person’s view to understand their feelings or mental state is a correct approach to interperso­nal insight. Gaining perspectiv­e directly through conversati­on is a more accurate approach, the researcher­s said.

The study, published in Journal of Personalit­y and Social Psychology, included an exhaustive series of 25 experiment­s designed to separate accuracy from egotism.

The team asked participan­ts of the study to adopt another person’s perspectiv­e and predict their emotions based on facial expression­s and body postures, identify fake versus genuine smiles, spot when someone is lying or telling the truth, and even predict a spouse’s activity preference­s and consumer attitudes.

“Initially, a large majority of participan­ts believed that taking someone else’s perspectiv­e would help them achieve a more accurate interperso­nal insight,” the researcher­s said. “However, test results showed that their predictive assumption­s were not generally accurate, although it did make them feel more confident about their judgement and reduced egocentric biases,” they explained.

 ?? PHOTO: SHUTTERSTO­CK ?? A study has debunked the belief that taking someone else’s perspectiv­e would give better interperso­nal insight
PHOTO: SHUTTERSTO­CK A study has debunked the belief that taking someone else’s perspectiv­e would give better interperso­nal insight

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