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Include these 10 foods in your diet plan to lose weight faster

- Meenakshi Iyer

Weight loss is the result of a proper diet and regular exercise. And, everything that we eat has a different impact on our body, whether it is with respect to metabolism or calories. Eating the right kind of foods can help achieve weight-loss goals faster. Here are some weight loss-friendly foods.


Protein helps lose weight, cut down fats, and build muscles after a workout. “Eggs can help you get all the nutrients even when you are on a calorie-restricted diet,” says Raheela Hasan, a health and nutrition specialist.


Raheela adds, “Green leafy veggies are perfect for weigh loss. They are low in calories and carbs, but loaded with fibre.” Also, they are high in calcium, which is good for healthy bones.


Studies show that people are not getting enough iodine in their diet. Thus, Salmon is a great choice. It’s loaded with good fats, protein and iodine.


It’s a great source of food fats. However, one should be careful while consuming them. According to nutritioni­st Ritesh Bawri, though extremely beneficial, tend to have a lot of calories.


Chia seeds are rich in fibre, omega-3 fatty acids and alphalinol­eic acid, all of which make them a great weight loss food.


Hasan says, “Oatmeal provides more protein, more fibre, and less sugar than cereal.” Opt for steel cut or rolled oats for more benefits.


“Fruits such as strawberry, raspberry, blackberry are low on sugar and calories. These can be a good option to snack on in between meals,” says Bawri.


Dairy products, in general, are high in protein. It has little carbs and fat, making it a perfect option for weight loss.


“Apple cider vinegar can increase feelings of fullness and make people eat 200-275 fewer calories for the rest of the day,” says Hasan.


Coconut oil is high in fatty acids that boost satiety compared to other fats. This means that when you cook with coconut oil, the food tends to make you feel full for long.

 ?? PHOTO: ISTOCK ?? Berries and green leafy vegetables are among weightloss superfoods
PHOTO: ISTOCK Berries and green leafy vegetables are among weightloss superfoods

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