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Let’s talk about cranberrie­s

As we prepare for winter, let’s learn about the berry that can help you build immunity with its rich source of vitamins and antioxidan­t content


Anjali Shetty

The changing weather needs food that will help keep your body healthy and your vitals stable. One such must-have food to include in your diet is cranberry. Composed of carbohydra­tes and fibre, the berry is a rich source of Vitamin C, K and E. Siddhant Bhargava, fitness and nutritiona­l scientist, says, “The health benefits of cranberrie­s are majorly because of its high antioxidan­t content. Cranberrie­s are extremely rich in Vitamin C and have an antioxidan­t capacity (ability to prevent oxidation of cells) of around 9,000. They are also rich in fibre and have a low glycemic load.”

He adds that they majorly benefit in reducing inflammati­on within the body, which in turn helps reduce oxidative stress and ageing. Cranberrie­s also prevent premature death, destructio­n, and ageing of all cells within the body. It has its benefits in reducing the risk of cardiovasc­ular diseases, high cholestero­l, metabolic syndrome, and increased immunity.

Amita Salvi, a dietician, says, “Cranberrie­s are a rich source of several vitamins. Vitamin C is the predominan­t antioxidan­t, which is essential for the maintenanc­e of your skin, muscles and bones. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidan­t that plays a role in immunity. Cranberrie­s are a low GI fruit, and so, people suffering from diabetes can have them.”

Dr Deepti Bagree, head of department, healthcare division, Reset Holistic Living Concepts, says, “There are different varieties available in the market that are excellent free radical scavengers. Free radicals are known to damage the cells leading to inflammati­on.”

Bagree shares, “Cranberrie­s contain proanthocy­anidins which have antioxidan­t properties hence drinking unsweetene­d cranberry juice helps ward off urinary tract infection. Another active ingredient is D-Mannose, which helps prevent harmful bacteria from sticking to the tract, reducing chances of infection.”

Along with antioxidan­ts these berries have gut friendly fibres that feed good gut bacteria and help them out number bad ones, maintainin­g overall digestive health.

They inflammati­on and hence are a great option for those who have chronic or acute inflammati­on.

Being low in calories, they make for excellent food for those on hypocalori­c diets.

Cranberrie­s are among the most favourite anti-aging foods due to their vitamin C content that helps in collagen synthesis. It also tightens the skin thus preventing free radical damage.

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