Hindustan Times (Ranchi)


With Hillary Rodham Clinton announcing her candidacy for the 2016 Democratic nomination for president, here’s a look at where she stands on some issues



Clinton sees growing income inequality and wage stagnation as a major problem and has made the issue a prominent theme in public remarks this year. As a senator and then presidenti­al candidate in 2008, she called, among other things, for equal pay for women, increasing the minimum wage and expanding tax credits for poorer families.


Foreign policy is one of Clinton’s few areas of disagreeme­nt with the Obama administra­tion. She has criticized President Barack Obama for taking a cautious approach to global crises, dismissing his doctrine of “don’t do stupid stuff” as “not an organizing principle.” As secretary of state, Clinton advocated for arming Syrian rebels fighting President Bashar Assad.


In recent weeks, Clinton has avoided commenting on US-Israeli relations, which became strained after PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress and reelection. She’s expressed cautious support for Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran, though remarked the “devil was in the details.” She had said she was skeptical that Iran would abide by any deal struck with the US


Clinton now supports same-sex marriage, saying that she has “evolved” from her opposition as first lady, senator and secretary of state. She supports abortion rights and frequently cites the Democratic line that the procedure should be “safe, legal, and rare.”


Clinton has described climate change as the most “consequent­ial, urgent, sweeping” problem facing the world, telling college students in March she hopes for a “mass movement” on the issue. She has promised to protect regulation­s put in place by the Obama administra­tion that set federal limits on carbon pollution from power plants.

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