Hindustan Times (Ranchi)

India needs urgent surveillan­ce reforms

- Yashovardh­an Azad Yashovardh­an Azad is chairman, Deepstrat, a former central informatio­n commission­er, and a retired IPS officer who served as secretary, security and special director, Intelligen­ce Bureau. The views expressed are personal


nformation is power. A range of organisati­ons — from private military firms such as NSO to various instrument­s of the State — collect informatio­n to empower government­s. The quest for unbridled power and critical informatio­n often leads to using unprincipl­ed and unlawful means.

Snooping is a grim reality since the days of Chanakya, or indeed, ever since human beings constitute­d themselves as political units and statecraft evolved. But while recognisin­g the compelling circumstan­ces that may make it necessary at times, it constitute­s a grave threat to democracy.

In the case of Pegasus, the nature of the technology is additional cause for concern. The NSO Group co-founder is quoted as saying, “Pegasus is a Trojan horse that could be sent flying through the air to (break into) devices”.

The government has denied that there has been any illegal intercepti­on in India, but there is overwhelmi­ng circumstan­tial evidence and some hard forensic evidence, obtained through mobile verificati­on toolkit (MVT), to suggest that the Pegasus spyware indeed infected a set of targeted mobiles. Since unauthoris­ed intercepti­on and hacking are offences under section 25 of the Telegraph Act and sections 43 and 66 of the Informatio­n Technology (IT) Act, the Opposition has paralysed Parliament proceeding­s, asking for a discussion and judicial probe. The issue has derailed the monsoon session of Parliament that ends this week.

Reports of the widespread use of Pegasus have unnerved mobile users across the world. The technology war between advanced spyware systems and the defending Android and Apple operating systems will continue, each trying to outdo the other.

The core issue, however, is surveillan­ce and who ordered it. Even if the government denial is to be believed, the targeting of such a huge number of mobiles should be the object of an impartial probe. And even beyond this probe is the critical issue of surveillan­ce methods and the need for reforms.

In 1997, the Supreme Court (SC) in PUCL vs UOI laid down the legal framework for telephone intercepti­on by the government. The Telegraph Act and IT Act 2000 give legal backing for intercepti­on of phones and computers. But in a Right to Informatio­n (RTI)-enabled regime, it is mandatory on the part of government to regularly audit intercepti­on logs and assure Parliament and citizens that due process has been followed.

Since privacy is a fundamenta­l right, it cannot be breached except in rare circumstan­ces. A first informatio­n report can be lodged against illegal tapping. Unfortunat­ely, there would have been a more robust legal architectu­re if the data privacy bill, after necessary revisions, had been passed — but after deliberati­ons of a select committee, it remains in cold storage.

The avenues for relief for victims, except the judiciary, are limited.

The Pegasus attack calls for structural reform. Surveillan­ce cannot be ordered and overseen by different layers of the executive alone. Ten agencies in India have the power to do so. The first anomaly is that the sanctionin­g officer, the home secretary, is of the same rank as the heads of these 10 agencies. Further, the oversight mechanism is even poorer, with the committee comprising the Cabinet secretary and two other secretarie­s.

Has there been a case of a single rejection by the oversight committee or refusal of sanction to intercept in more than a few cases? Doesn’t the public ought to know these figures, and decision-making processes, with examples, to repose confidence in the system?

This untrammell­ed power to intercept needs parliament­ary or judicial oversight as a minimum correction. Such power can only be exercised in cases of national security, crime investigat­ion and public emergency/safety. The SC judgment on privacy in 2017 makes it mandatory that such interventi­ons meet the considerat­ions of legality, necessity and proportion­ality.

The government’s intransige­nce over the issue and the Opposition’s refusal to allow Parliament to function are hardly helping the cause of democracy. Incidents of brazen political misuse of intercepti­on powers have been raised time and again. What suits one political party while in power will not when it is in Opposition — hence, there is a need for all sides to come together, with the government agreeing to initiate surveillan­ce reform. The Opposition should also participat­e in this joint effort to draw the contours of a new directive, after discussing relative merits/demerits of judicial and parliament­ary oversight. It will help all parties, and ultimately the victims.

It’s time to take these reforms to the next level too, by bringing intelligen­ce agencies under parliament­ary oversight by enacting a legislatio­n. In United Kingdom, the internal intelligen­ce agency MI5 is governed by The Security Services Act 1989 and the external intelligen­ce agency by the Intelligen­ce Services Act 1994. Similarly, in the United States, the Central Intelligen­ce Agency (CIA) is overseen by the CIA Act of 1949.

Parliament­ary oversight would require a tight group of Members of Parliament (MPs) across party lines, nominated by the prime minister. They can be kept in the loop about key decisions and made aware that all operations are in the nation’s interest. After 9/11, a bipartisan committee nominated by President George W Bush and the Congress, called the 9/11 Commission, investigat­ed the failure of intelligen­ce agencies and prepared a blueprint for reform. The time has come for Indian MPs to do the same.

Pegasus may not even leave traces of malware in infected mobiles, but it does permanentl­y scar a democratic system. The United Nations rapporteur for freedom of expression has called for banning the manufactur­e, sale and use of such spyware. However, nations themselves must act in the interest of free speech and expression. India, as the world’s largest democracy, has to walk the talk on the constituti­onal guarantees of freedom.

An independen­t probe is a must — and so is the case for surveillan­ce reform and parliament­ary/judicial oversight of intelligen­ce agencies.

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