Hindustan Times ST (Jaipur) - Hindustan Times (Jaipur) - City

Being a manglik is a boon


It was not easy for me to summarise last Sunday’s write-up on court matters, but my blog on it supplement­ed the cause and you can refer to it for a detailed understand­ing of why people get caught up in court cases. Now let’s decode another common misconcept­ion about Mangal Dosha — that it hinders marriages the most. Even a non-believer of astrology knows something about this Mangal Dosha and is also well prepared to undergo some remedial measures to get rid of it. The fact of the matter, however, is something different. Firstly no classical texts on astrology speak about this Dosha. Secondly, Mangal is not the only fierce planet that can bring down the significat­ion of marriagere­lated matters, but there are much more fearsome than it, like the Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and the Sun. Lastly, this Mangal can be brutal but in far fewer styles and ways than what is propagated by most. The research that won me a doctorate in astrology attests that Mangal cannot be singled out for delay and disasters in marriages. No horoscope can be blatantly termed as Manglik, and the marriage negated because of this. My blog http://vinaybajra­ngi. com/blog/manglik-dosh-itseffects-on-married-life/ has a well-drafted explanatio­n on this issue. Over the years, I have helped many people, who were so far Mangliks, come out of their Manglik delusions. This revelation has eased out many held-up things in their lives. Some people struggle and succeed, but there are very many who keep on fighting, but without success. There can be a symphony between struggle and triumph. Next Sunday, I will divulge how a small astrologic­al twist could change the fortunes altogether. Meanwhile, connect with me at www.vinaybajra­ngi.com or call at 9278665588 and 9278555588.

Disclaimer: The veracity of any claims made in the above article is the sole responsibi­lity of the concerned entity.

 ?? PHOTO: HTCS ??

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