Hindustan Times ST (Jaipur) - Hindustan Times (Jaipur) - City



Insufficie­ntly emphasise how one is subjected to strain (5,6) Eloquently appealing for a zero assessment (7) Boasting without publicity is well done (5) It is found growing next to a trunk (4) They put up their houses for sale (8) 14 Took orders (6) 16 Poetically skilful (6) 18 Former railwayman who receives money from abroad (8) 19 Move with a little spooning (4) 22 Play with spirit on the street (5) 23 Profit in a way when in opposition (7) 24 Fill a position as a successful astronaut? (2,4,5) 1 9 10 11 12 1 African violet (11) 9 To sanction (7) 10 Bumptious (5) 11 Lazy (4) 12 Extraordin­ary (8) 14 Indifferen­ce (6) 16 Divulge (6) 18 Slight estrangeme­nt (8) 19 Collapse (4) 22 Upper part of leg (5) 23 Enthusiast­ic welcome (7) 24 Patron saint of travellers (11) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 13 15 17 20 21

Gets close in linear size (5) Live up to a wicked descriptio­n (4) A board in position to engage a player? (4,2) Pretty girl in red and rose (8) They have a cool basis for their figuring (7) Consort very disturbed by argument (11) Thoughtful form of desecratio­n (11) The offer of money may make him cross (8) Grass around the seaport (7) Gale blows itself out to a smooth finish (6) The keynote to good health? (5) Criticise vehicle parking (4) 2 To shock (5) 3 Narrow recess (4) 4 Verse (6) 5 Impartial (8) 6 Conceive (7) 7 Papal state (7,4) 8 Palestine (3,4,4) 13 Major Chinese port (8) 15 Do away with (7) 17 Accompany as guard (6) 20 Tolerate (5) 21 Find fault unreasonab­ly (4)

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