Hindustan Times ST (Jaipur)

Speaking up against bigots is an act of courage

- Namita Bhandare wites on social issues and gender. The views expressed are personal Inner Voice comprises contributi­ons from our readers. The views expressed are personal innervoice@hindustant­imes.com

Idon’t know if you ever read Roger Rosenblatt’s essay in Time magazine in the early eighties: the air-crash over Washington, the rescue helicopter picking up survivors and, in the freezing water, the man who each time offers the lifeline to someone else, you go first. By the time it’s his turn, he’s gone under.

That era is over. We now live in an age of spectacle, of Twitter stars and troll slayers. Where we judge people by the number of their followers or Facebook likes.

We live also in an age where what we eat can, and does, become a matter of life and death. Where we justify the use of our citizens as human shields in the name of expediency.

The head of an online travel business says he’d rather not be a Hindu if ‘Hinduism takes away right to choice of food’, and there’s a call on social media to boycott his business. An actor speaks of his wife’s fear of rising intoleranc­e, and this is followed by a withdrawal of advertisin­g endorsemen­ts.

Speaking up has consequenc­es and, so, in the din of divisive discourse that makes way for majoritari­an force, the solitary voice is now hard to hear.

Perhaps that’s why, when we do find it, we cling to that increasing­ly rare lone voice seeking in it meaning and coherence in our lives.

When Keenan Santos and Reuben Fernandez spoke up in 2011 in Mumbai against the lewd comments directed at a woman friend, they paid for it with their lives. But in their deaths we find not just decency but exemplary courage to live by a moral principle.

Last week the cost of speaking up once again proved too high when two men, strangers to each other, spoke up against a racist rant on a commuter train in the US.

Taliesin Myrddin Namkai Meche and Rick Best died after being stabbed by a man yelling anti-Muslim insults at two women, one an African-American and the other in a hijab. A third man who also spoke up, 21year-old Micah David-Cole Fletcher was treated for injuries.

“He was a hero and will remain a hero on the other side of the veil,” wrote Meche’s mother, the wonderfull­y named Asha Deliveranc­e on Facebook. This is not the heroism of jumping into a fire to save a life. This is the heroism of everyday living by a belief of doing the right thing – aware that this sometimes comes at grave cost.

To speak up at a time of bigotry is an act of courage. I never learned the name of that man in the water. It was enough that he represente­d the best among us. It is enough to remember that his spirit is still around, still alive.


What to do when mind isn’t stable? How to calm down when anger has made you mad? We all love to have positivity around us. But unfortunat­ely things don’t happen our way. I believe that much of this negative energy that we come into contact with is created by fear and often projected onto others.

Before finding the solution, we need to understand its source. If you are a part of group who is full of negative people then you can feel the effects of that in your aura as well. So to avoid ill effects either you have to ignore them, taking care of your own aura by focusing on positive things, or you can start feeding some positive energy into the group. But if the origin of negative energy resides in you, then our negative thoughts attract more to us because like attracts like.

If the problem resides in us then the best possible remedy can only come from from within us. The knack to this is to tap energy meridians and voice positive affirmatio­n, which will work to clear the emotional blocks; and in turn this will restore our mind and body’s balance, which is very essential for optimal health and the healing of physical disease.

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