Hindustan Times ST (Jaipur)

Step up to the plate in Afghanista­n

India can invest in developing the nation’s infrastruc­ture and help strengthen democracy


President Donald Trump’s Afghan policy announced last month has been widely welcomed in Afghanista­n and universall­y reviled in Pakistan. It was most unusual for a US president to so directly call a country, other than the old ‘axis of evil’ (Iran, North Korea and Saddam’s Iraq), as he did referring to Pakistan as a country giving ‘safe haven to agents of chaos, violence, and terror.’ Significan­tly the only other country mentioned in his speech, but this time positively, was India, which he declared as a key partner of the USA and with who strategic partnershi­p would be further developed. He appreciate­d India’s important contributi­on to stability in Afghanista­n and called upon it to do more in the area of economic assistance and developmen­t.

The Government of India would obviously decide on whether to step up its involvemen­t in Afghanista­n based on its own assessment of what is in the country’s national interests, and not just because Trump is asking it to do more. That said, the public articulati­on of the US’ disenchant­ment with Pakistan does represent an opportunit­y of doing more in Afghanista­n since it ties in with India’s own interest in


strengthen­ing the Afghan government. Further, Trump has repeated his AfPak formulatio­n at the UN last week, which did not get much traction as it was drowned out what he said on North Korea. Defence secretary James Mattis and Trump’s chief of staff John Kelley are from the US army and are aware of the considerab­le negative feedback about Pakistan’s use of terrorist proxies in Afghanista­n from US army officers. Kelley is a serving general and, in fact lost his son in action in Afghanista­n. Further Trump’s indication­s, repeated several times in his speech, that the US army field commanders would have necessary freedom of action leaves open the possibilit­y of cross-border action in trying to liquidate the Taliban’s safe havens in Pakistan.

Stabilisin­g Afghanista­n is in India’s national interest. The inability of governance institutio­ns to deliver services and justice at minimum levels seriously weakens Afghanista­n’s abilities to fight terrorism. Such weaknesses has adversely impacted economic growth and employment generation. It is in these two fields of governance and economic growth that India can add substantia­l value; assistance in security should necessaril­y be limited to training, stepped up in numbers no doubt, and supply of equipment.

Post-2001, western donors parcelled out the job of developmen­t of different government functions to specific countries. So one country took up the job of setting up the police, another of justice, yet another of counter-narcotics and so on. The context in which governance institutio­ns in Europe and North America function are totally alien to Afghanista­n. Consequent­ly these efforts have substantia­lly failed. Fortunatel­y, the country’s own systems have mostly survived the decades of conflict, albeit at low levels. There is a serious need for rehabilita­tion and upgradatio­n, but not of replacemen­t.

Representi­ng the United Nations in donor meetings with Afghan ministries, I was frequently asked to speak of the Indian experience as it was seen by the Afghans as most relevant. Fortunatel­y, Government of India partnered with UNDP and deputed Indian civil servants in different ministries. A number of these experts deputed were able to develop better decision-making capabiliti­es unlike most western experts, who besides were paid in multiples of what it cost to deploy Indians. The Indians focussed on improving office processing and develop analytic skills. A similar programme, taking into account the experience of the previous programme, would add value and strengthen the perception that India acts in Afghanista­n’s interests rather than pursue some other agenda.

The recent announceme­nt that India would finance 116 high impact projects spread over 31 of Afghanista­n’s 34 provinces is also seen very positively. Hundreds of Afghan communitie­s have benefitted from India’s Small Developmen­t Projects (SDP) programme. These have led to the creation of community assets like culverts over streams, minor irrigation works, classrooms etc. While important and locally useful, their contributi­on to sustainabl­e economic growth is minimal.

Afghanista­n’s irrigation potential is largely untapped. Indian assistance in the Salma dam was highly appreciate­d and the locals had renamed it as the Afghanista­n-India Friendship Dam. The third area where India could step up its involvemen­t is in creating transit and related networks.

India has a vital stake in stabilisin­g Afghanista­n, which would necessitat­e strengthen­ing its democratic institutio­ns. The Afghan State, while legitimate in the eyes of the Afghan people, lacks credibilit­y. Any steps that help increase its credibilit­y would facilitate its efforts to counter negative external actors and stabilise the situation. India as an emerging leading power must step up its efforts. The Trump denouement creates a window that must be utilised.

 ?? AP ?? PresidentT­rump’s disenchant­ment with Pakistan is an opportunit­y for India to do more in Afghanista­n
AP PresidentT­rump’s disenchant­ment with Pakistan is an opportunit­y for India to do more in Afghanista­n
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