Hindustan Times ST (Jaipur)

Time to give the Indian Navy sturdy sea legs

Address critical capability shortfalls to make the force a credible presence in the maritime domain

- C UDAY BHASKAR Ram Madhav is national general secretary, BJP The views expressed are personal C Uday Bhaskar is director, Society for Policy Studies, New Delhi The views expressed are personal Inner Voice comprises contributi­ons from our readers. The view

In early November an Indian naval stealth frigate, INS Satpura, was refuelled by a US Navy tanker off the Japanese coast as part of a routine exercise that the Indian Navy was engaged in with Japan and the US. The subtext of this deployment has significan­t policy relevance for South Block. It draws attention to the challenges and opportunit­ies for India’s emerging naval diplomacy and politico-military orientatio­n.

The fact that the Indian Navy is able to deploy its front-line platforms in an arc from the east coast of Africa and the Persian Gulf to the Sea of Japan is indicative of the impressive footprint that the navy can establish in the maritime domain that is deemed relevant to India. However, the reality is that no navy can operate in distant waters without adequate logistic support. Recourse was taken to a US tanker since our navy did not have the option of sending its own tanker with its warships.

Sturdy ‘sea legs’ are an essential ingredient of a credible naval presence in the maritime domain. Recently, there has been a flurry of naval activity that included the naval commanders conference in Delhi followed by a conclave of 10 Indian Ocean littoral states in Goa. India’s maritime resolve was highlighte­d both by defence minister Nirmala Sitharaman and the naval chief.

The new contour of the Indian Navy’s operationa­l philosophy was elucidated by Admiral Sunil Lanba who noted: “We have reached a consensus within the navy to have mission based deployment so that our areas of interest can be kept under permanent surveillan­ce .... the ingress and egress routes of Indian Ocean region are being kept under surveillan­ce such that we have better maritime domain awareness.”

This is an ambitious agenda and will be challengin­g given the modest budgetary same. He will not hesitate to harm even his siblings and other relatives in his quest for material wealth. However, such people can never sleep peacefully which leads to many diseases cropping in their bodies. People should use their knowledge and good fortune for the benefit of the whole society which leads to prosperity of the society as a whole.

Selfish and greedy people are never happy as they constantly worry that they may lose the ill-gotten wealth. However a person who has acquired wealth and comforts through hard work does not worry much about losing support that the navy receives in relation to the other two services. It remains the Cinderella service by way of budgetary allocation and hovers around the 15% level of the overall defence budget. The induction of major platforms in a sustained manner — the critical determinan­t for sturdy sea legs — remains uneven and uncertain, diluting the operationa­l credibilit­y of the navy.

The navy has an enviable track record of designing and building ships though it remains dependent on foreign suppliers for sensors and weapons. Given the lead time in design and ship-building, normative planning would suggest that the navy (and the Coast Guard) would have a continuous, adequately funded, acquisitio­n pipeline with a mix of ships to ensure the induction of a major platform every 18 months.

Yet in a very disappoint­ing pattern, year after year, the navy surrenders money to the exchequer from the capital account (meant for acquisitio­ns) as unspent. A review of the annual defence budget figures over the last five years reveals that the navy has surrendere­d over ₹150 billion, even while its inventory gaps are reaching amber light levels.

As the navy prepares for its 50th anniversar­y in December (the first boat INS Kalveri was commission­ed in December 1967), the trajectory of the underwater platform offers valuable policy lessons.

After making costly policy errors, such as impetuousl­y cancelling a German HDW submarine building programme in India during the Rajiv Gandhi years, India is now scrambling to acquire new boats. And the irony is that the decision-making lattice is so short-sighted that India has the curious distinctio­n of acquiring submarines without torpedoes — for the original manufactur­er has been blackliste­d.

Sitharaman has acknowledg­ed the critical capability shortfalls that the navy is facing in ship-borne multi-role helicopter­s, convention­al submarines and mine counter measure vessels. Each of them is vital for the operationa­l credibilit­y of the navy and the mine-sweeper gap is indicative of the impoverish­ment of the procuremen­t process that plagues the military across the board.

This pattern of decision-making at the highest levels is a case of the ‘dog-in-themanger’ affliction, wherein the current ecosystem neither enables Make in India, nor swift acquisitio­n from abroad.

Thus while mission-based deployment is to be commended, the Indian Navy will be severely stretched by way of deploying its modest resources if this ambitious tasking is not complement­ed by astute policy review of the current stasis.


his wealth which makes him fearless and a satisfied soul. Hence parents should always imbibe the good virtues of sharing, selflessne­ss in the children in their formative age which will make them strong human beings who will work not only for the well being of themselves but for the well being of the society as a whole.

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