Hindustan Times ST (Jaipur)



Arab Yoga Foundation founder claims Saudi Arabia has given yoga the status of a sport Marwaai, in a Facebook post, wrote: “Yoga, which literally means ‘union’. A union of individual with one’s well-being, a body to mind, emotions & soul, nation to globe, has officially arrived at the sea shore of Saudi Arabia. It has crossed the boundaries of fundamenta­lism...ideologica­l extremism”

Thanking the Indian government and the consulate general in Jeddah for “unlimited” support, she said yoga was “no more a deviant behaviour” in the conservati­ve kingdom

Yoga has been promoted in a big way by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and with concerted efforts by the government, the United Nations has declared June 21 as Internatio­nal Yoga Day. Last week, Mugabe fired his vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa, accusing him of using "witchcraft" to seize power. The move left Mugabe's wife Grace, 52, in prime position to succeed her husband as the next president -- a succession strongly opposed by senior ranks in the military


Cecil J Rhodes colonises the region. Country is named Southern Rhodesia after him


Ian Smith unilateral­ly declares independen­ce from Britain under white minority rule 1980 Mugabe and his Zanu party win independen­ce elections, Mugabe named PM 1982

Mugabe sacks Zapu leader Joshua Nkomo, accusing him of trying to overthrow the government


The 93-year-old came to power when Zimbabwe won independen­ce in 1980 and his rule has been criticised for repression of dissent, election rigging, and for causing the country's economic collapse

2000 Referendum on draft constituti­on results in many whiteowned farms being siezed

2006 Year-on-year inflation exceeds 1,000%, government rolls out Z$100tr note

2009 Government allows use of foreign currencies to stem hyperinfla­tion


New law forces foreign -owned businesses to sell majority stake to locals


Grace Mugabe is named leader of the Zanu-PF party's Women's League


Tanks roll into Harare as military siezes control. Mugabe and his family are put under house arrest.

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