Hindustan Times ST (Jaipur)

At least 5 mass graves unreported in Myanmar: AP


The faces of the men half-buried in the mass graves had been burned away by acid or blasted by bullets. Noor Kadir finally recognised his friends only by the colours of their shorts.

Kadir found six of his friends among the bodies in two graves.

They are among at least five mass graves, all previously unreported, that have been confirmed by The Associated Press through multiple interviews with more than two dozen survivors in Bangladesh refugee camps and through time-stamped cellphone videos. The Myanmar government regularly claims such massacres of the Rohingya never happened. However, the AP’s reporting shows a systematic slaughter of Rohingya Muslim civilians by the military, with help from Buddhist neighbours — and suggests many more graves hold many more people.

The graves are the newest piece of evidence for what looks increasing­ly like a genocide in Myanmar’s western Rakhine state against the Rohingya. Repeated calls to Myanmar’s military communicat­ions office went unanswered on Wednesday and Thursday. AP


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