Hindustan Times ST (Mumbai) - Brunch



When someone tells 1 you that mental health is not as important as physical well-being, you… Say that mental health is perhaps even more important because it has a direct impact on each and every facet of our lives, including our physical health​

The biggest challenge 2 mental health faces in India today is… Three-pronged: The distressin­g lack of awareness, age-old stigmas and the woefully inadequate infrastruc­ture​

When Deepika 3 Padukone talked about mental health and made it mainstream, you felt… That more and more public figures should talk openly about their mental health issues, in order to encourage all those who are suffering silently to speak out and seek help​ At the same time, we must celebrate all those everyday heroes who show immense courage to acknowledg­e and seek profession­al help regarding their mental health issues​

Even today, when 4 somebody equates the need to visit a therapist to “being mad”, you say… Let’s abolish this horrible term altogether​ No one is ‘mad’​ At any point in time, anyone of us can develop a mental health issue​

The secret of being 5 mentally strong…

Is knowing that no one and no situation is perfect; believing that imperfect is beautiful​

It’s okay to sometimes 6 feel unsure, anxious, uncertain because…

Life is full of challenges​ And at times, these emotions can get the better of us​ As they say, ‘Life is 10 per cent what happens to us and 90 per cent how we respond to it​’

7 On Mother’s Day, your advice to parents is…

We need to consider ourselves caregivers​ We are the potters who mould the clay​ We must not dictate our ideas​ What your children are good at may not be what you were good at!

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