Hindustan Times ST (Mumbai) - HT Navi Mumbai Live

Your guide to a hire calling

- Rachel Lopez rachel.lopez@htlive.com

DMass layoffs mean that competitio­n for jobs has multiplied, says LinkedIn careers expert Bhairavi Jhaveri. On the profession­al networking site, the average number of applicatio­ns per job rose from about 90 in January to 180 in June. Now, more than ever, your resumé needs to offer a short but shining overview. Keep it to two pages. Don’t bore or distract a recruiter.

“In most cases, your next employer will understand,” Jhaveri says. Phrase it right. Admit that you lost your job to budget cuts, explain what you’ve done since, and you could end up showcasing resilience and vulnerabil­ity at the same time.

Did you complete an online course while stuck at home? Have you mastered videoediti­ng, data analysis or InstaLives? Are you great at public speaking? Showcase it on your CV – it sends the message that you’re willing to upskill, and that your talents are transferab­le across a wide range of tasks. Companies are changing their strategies too, and your new talent could be just what someone is looking for.

It’s tempting to write one introducti­on, attach one NewFinalCV.pdf, send it to 100 companies and hope for the best. But you’ll hurt your chances. “Customise your CV and cover letter to companies and the roles they seek,” Jhaveri says. Targeted communicat­ion shows you’ve done your homework, aren’t lazy, and are genuinely interested in a particular role.

Globally, the volume of job searches using the “remote” filter on LinkedIn has increased 60% since the start of March. “Early trends show that organisati­ons in India are open to hiring a remote workforce based in different cities and even countries,” Jhaveri says. This means that, more than ever, your skills will matter more than your proximity to the office building.

Preparatio­n is crucial. Do at least two test runs with a friend to check that connection, audio settings, lighting and apps are working. Fix your angle and setting in advance, practice your volume and tone, so you will eventually look and sound on screen exactly as you want to. Keep work samples, notes and data ready at hand.

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