Hindustan Times ST (Mumbai)

Trump: Kavanaugh accusation­s ‘unfair’


WASHINGTON:US President Donald Trump has defended his Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, whose confirmati­on has been imperilled by accusation­s of sexual assault.

“Justice Kavanaugh has been treated very, very tough, and his family. I think it’s a very unfair thing what’s going on,” Trump told reporters on Tuesday.

Kavanaugh’s accuser, a university professor, has said she was assaulted at a party 36 years ago, when both were high school students. She was 15 then and Kavanaugh was 17.

Republican­s, who control the Senate and Kavanaugh’s confirmati­on process, had scheduled a hearing for the professor and Trump’s nominee on Monday. However, the professor has demanded a FBI inquiry into her allegation­s before she testifies.

“An FBI investigat­ion of the incident should be the first step in addressing her allegation­s,” the professor’s attorney, Debra Katz, said in a letter to Chuck Grassley, the Republican senator who heads the senate judiciary committee.

Katz also wrote that since the professor went public with her accusation­s, she has been a “target of vicious harassment and even death threats”.

The professor’s demand for a FBI inquiry before her testimony echoes a demand by the Democrats, who have also opposed the Monday hearing. They argue the allegation­s must be investigat­ed so that the members of the committee have the full facts before they consider the accusation­s and Kavanaugh’s denials.

But Republican­s say that if the professor doesn’t testify on Monday, the process should be advanced to the next stage — a vote of the committee and then the full Senate chamber.

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