Hindustan Times ST (Mumbai)

Arctic ‘doomsday vault’ stocks up on more food seeds

- Agence France-presse

OSLO:AN Arctic “doomsday vault” is set on Tuesday to receive 60,000 samples of seeds from around the world as the biggest global crop reserve stocks up for a global catastroph­e.

The seeds are to be deposited in the vault inside a mountain near Longyearby­en on Spitsberge­n Island in Norway’s Svalbard archipelag­o, about 1,000km from the North Pole.

“As the pace of climate change and biodiversi­ty loss increases, there is new urgency surroundin­g efforts to save food crops at risk of extinction,” said Stefan Schmitz, who manages the reserve as head of the Crop Trust.

“The large scope of today’s seed deposit reflects worldwide concern about the impacts of climate change and biodiversi­ty loss on food production,” Schmitz added.

“But more importantl­y it demonstrat­es a growing global commitment - from the institutio­ns and countries that have made deposits today and indeed the world - to the conservati­on and use of the crop diversity that is crucial for farmers in their efforts to adapt to changing growing conditions,” he said.

Common as well as wilder varieties of grains are being sent by institutio­ns in countries as diverse as Brazil, the United States, Germany, Morocco, Mali, Israel and Mongolia.

The latest shipment will bring to around 1.05 million the number of seed varieties placed in three undergroun­d alcoves which form the vault, known also as Noah’s Ark.

Aimed at safeguardi­ng biodiversi­ty in the face of climate change, wars and other natural and man-made disasters, the seed bank has the capacity to hold up to 4.5 million batches, or twice the number of crop varieties believed to exist in the world today.

It was launched in 2008 with financing from Norway.

Its usefulness was spotlighte­d during Syria’s civil war when researcher­s were able in 2015 to retrieve from the vault duplicates of grains lost in the destructio­n of Aleppo. The countries and institutio­ns that deposit seeds in the vault retain ownership over them and can retrieve them when necessary.

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