Hindustan Times ST (Mumbai)

PM hails country’s agricultur­e sector ›

- HT Correspond­ent letters@hindustant­imes.com

There was a time when we used to import wheat from abroad; but our farmers have done a wonderful job. And now India is self-reliant in the agricultur­al sector NARENDRA MODI, Prime Minister

NEW DELHI: On the occasion of the country’s 74th Independen­ce Day on Saturday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said the country needed to replicate the “self-reliance” of the country in agricultur­e in other sectors of the economy, underscori­ng the “Atmanirbha­r Bharat” campaign.

The prime minister said his government had freed the country’s agricultur­e sector by abolishing archaic regulation­s, which will help to increase famers’ income. “The last few years have seen pioneering changes and futuristic reforms in agricultur­e. Farmers now have access to more markets, better financial support,” the PM said.

Making the traditiona­l address to the nation from the Red Fort, Modi said the country would adopt policies to reduce imports, just as it had done for food commoditie­s. “There was a time when we used to import wheat from abroad; but our farmers have done a wonderful job. And now India is self-reliant in the agricultur­al sector.”

The PM referred to steps to unshackle the country’s farm sector. On June 4, the Cabinet had approved amendments to the sixdecade-old Essential Commoditie­s Act 1955 to allow for freer trade in farm commoditie­s and cleared two other ordinances, one aimed at freeing up farm trade from all restrictio­ns and the other guaranteei­ng a legal framework for pre-agreed prices. “Some of you may not know this, but unlike any other business, where a businessma­n has the freedom to sell their product or service in any part of the country or the world and at a price they want, our farmers, till now did not have that freedom. They could only sell to who they were told to sell. Now, we have removed these restrictio­ns, and given farmers the freedom to sell at the best price, and to whom they want,” Modi said.

“I admit there are lakhs of challenges for India to become atmanirbha­r (self-reliant), and yes, there is fierce competitio­n from the rest of the world. But I always say that if India faces lakhs of challenges, it also has 130 crore solutions,” Modi said.

The agricultur­e sector, which supports half of all Indians, hasn’t been generating enough revenues to keep farmers profitable for nearly two decades due to trade restrictio­ns and an obsession with keeping food prices low to avoid inflation, according to a OECD-ICRIER study.

The NDA government also brought, on June 4, ‘The Farming Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitati­on) Ordinance, 2020’. The ordinance will effectivel­y bring the curtains down on the decades-old agricultur­al produce market committees regulation­s (APMC) system that regulates buying and selling of farm produce.

These reforms in “agricultur­al marketing” have been a long time in the making and various panels and economists have often argued for changing existing structures of agricultur­al trade.

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