HT Cafe


- 2017 is your fifth year in the industry… You are turning 24. Do you feel you have had to act mature because you are a public figure? What makes you happier — your film’s success or birthdays? By now, haven’t you gotten used to praise and success? Prashant

Continued from P1 Honestly, the five years have felt longer to me. People say that time has gone fast but I feel like I have been in the industry for a while. Also, maybe because the day I faced the camera, I felt, ‘Oh, I have been doing this for the longest time’. I felt that comfortabl­e and happy in front of the camera. In these five years, there has been so much frenzy that it feels long. If you come to think of it, it’s (five years in the industry) nothing and it’s just the beginning. First, I don’t believe in acting mature. You are either mature or not. If I have a mature side, I also have childishne­ss in me. I can be a six-year-old child in a minute and can also behave like a 40-year-old. I think that’s also because I am a Piscean. And all Pisceans — be it Shraddha (Kapoor) or Shahid (Kapoor) — are unique, sensitive, moody and evolved by nature. I feel that comes from my family too. If you live with Mahesh Bhatt, and wake up every morning having deep conversati­ons about everything under the sun, you can’t help but behave and think a little ahead of your age. So, I feel my emotional quotient (EQ) is very high. My intelligen­ce quotient (IQ) might not be high but my EQ is high (laughs). Actually, if there was any reason for celebratio­ns, I would do it for my films. So, there can be combined celebratio­ns for birthday and my films. I know birthdays come just once in a year but it also comes every year. But if a film of mine gets lots of love, it doesn’t happen all the time. Sometimes, it happens and sometimes, it doesn’t but you work so hard on a film that you feel great with such a response. So, I would love to celebrate my films along with my birthday (smiles). You never get used to it. It’s a Friday-to-Friday kind of thing. Also, it’s not like I want my films to just make money; I also want my films to have an impact on people, the same way a story has an impact on me when I hear it. It’s one thing that a film does well and another thing as to how it makes a place in people’s heart. That’s what makes me happy and want to get into celebrator­y mode. -

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