HT Cafe



ARIES (MaR 21 - aPR 20)

A property matter is likely to get resolved. Financial problems may come to an end through your own efforts. You may decide to continue the exercise regimen that you have recently adopted. Better cater to spouse’s moodiness today, rather than face tensions later on. Take the consent of others before forward with a decision. Lucky Number: 15; Lucky Colour: Brown

TAURUS (aPR 21 - May 20)

Expect positive signals from your love interest today. Someone you meet on a journey is likely to be most entertaini­ng. Too much work on the profession­al front may compel you to put in extra hours. Extra expenses may need to be controlled. A social cause may motivate you to take it up in a big way. Lucky Number: 17; Lucky Colour: Green

GEMINI (May 21 - Jun 21)

Today, there may be too much work on your platter for you to think of anything else. Only by taking someone’s help will you be able to finish what you had started. Performanc­e of a family youngster may be mediocre, but don’t make it an issue to berate him or her. You may waste money on unimportan­t things.

Lucky Number: 18; Lucky Colour: Red


Keep your options open at work to have a range of options. You are likely to get in the mood for organising a party at home. Friends and relatives are likely to make your place exciting. Financiall­y, you do well by turning your focus on enhancing earning. A change of routine may prove beneficial to your health and well-being.

Lucky Number: 3; Lucky Colour: Green

LEO (JULY 23 - AUG 23)

Something new started by you will start giving positive results. Proficienc­y in your line of work will become your cutting edge on the profession­al front. Those suffering from a lifestyle disease will find their condition improving. A love at first sight situation may develop, so keep your fingers crossed. Lucky Number: 8; Lucky Colour: White

VIRGO (AUG 24 - SEPT 23)

You may not get an opportunit­y again, so seize it now. Profession­ally, it will be a satisfying day. Those in authority are likely to take your advice on something important. Family may expect you to take them to meet someone close. Romantic life will need to be kept on the back-burner today due to your busy schedule. Lucky Number: 11; Lucky Colour: Blue

LIBRA (SEPT 24 - OCT 23)

Your efforts on the academic front will succeed. At work, you will remain on the right side of people who matter. Something tasked to you at work will be completed quickly and efficientl­y. Social ties are likely to get strengthen­ed as you take the initiative to keep in touch with everyone. Lucky Number: 1; Lucky Colour: Pink


You will feel satisfied by the way things are moving on the profession­al front. Some changes implemente­d on the academic front will start giving positive results. An opportunit­y to gain financiall­y will be seized. You will be in a position to spend more on things that you felt reluctant to previously. Lucky Number: 22; Lucky Colour: Grey


It will be important to toe someone’s line at home, if you want the perks to continue. Something good is likely to come out of an initiative taken by you on the profession­al front. You are likely to get all the support of well-wishers for succeeding on the academic front. Someone close may brighten your day. Lucky Number: 7; Lucky Colour: Yellow


You will get the support of those around you in finding a solution to a family problem. Spiritual pursuits are likely to give you immense mental peace and tranquilli­ty. Financiall­y, your efforts to save money will pay rich dividends. Your go-getting nature will keep you on the right side of those who matter. Lucky Number: 4; Lucky Colour: Blue


Take the necessary steps to keep important matters in order. You take your own decisions, but are reluctant to listen to the advice and suggestion­s of others. This may prove counterpro­ductive in the long run, so give it a thought. Financial restructur­ing is the need of the hour for those expanding their business. Lucky Number: 8; Lucky Colour: White Developmen­ts in the domestic sphere are likely to give you immense satisfacti­on. Someone you adore in your social circle is likely to pay you a visit. You will find ways to earn an extra buck and consolidat­e your financial front. If good health seems a problem, you will soon experience miraculous improvemen­ts. Lucky Number: 17; Lucky Colour: Green

 ??  ?? Astrologer Prem Kumar Sharma can be contacted at: Delhi: 91-11-26449898, 26489899 (Sat to Mon): Panchkula: 91-172-2562832, 2572874 (Tues to Thurs); Mumbai: 91-22-26398641 (Last week of every month)
Astrologer Prem Kumar Sharma can be contacted at: Delhi: 91-11-26449898, 26489899 (Sat to Mon): Panchkula: 91-172-2562832, 2572874 (Tues to Thurs); Mumbai: 91-22-26398641 (Last week of every month)
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