HT Cafe

‘Do not be like Pinocchio’


My friend has had one night stands and flings all through her sevenyear relationsh­ip. But her boyfriend has no clue about it. He’s been loyal to her. Now, she has a scene with someone at work. Recently, she spent the whole night at his house. The next evening, she went to see her boyfriend’s parents to fix her engagement. I am feeling bad about her beau and want to tell him the truth. Would I be wrong if I do this?

Nadia Nadia, do you the story of Pinocchio’s brother Pinocchio? Pinocchio gets all the glory because he got himself a publisher and pushed his story. (History was the one where the more lies he told the longer his nose grew). But Pistocchio’s story was actually better. Every time he interfered in somebody’s business, a part of Pistocchio’s nose would fall off. At the end, Pinocchio died a multimilli­onaire, but alas poor Pistocchio died faceless and penniless and, yes, noseless. So Nadia, if you need to interfere, I say confront her, try to get her to see the error of her ways. But otherwise, the Supreme Court has rules, adultery is none of your business.

None of my friends like my boyfriend who I’ve been dating for a year. They don’t meet me when he is around. Please help.


The question NT is why do none of your friends like your boyfriend? The reasons could be wide-ranging from because he wears a ponytail to because he doesn’t read Chetan Bhagat novels. Of course, as you are acutely aware of, very often people who tie their hair in ponytails are the same people who don’t read Chetan Bhagat novels in the first place. The solution to your problem lies in the example of China. When China found India was being ‘unfriendly’, they decided to get a new friend, namely Pakistan. Similarly, all you have to do is find new friends, with your boyfriend. Thus you will enjoy two groups (a) Old friends, (b) New friends with boyfriend. And in time you can form a third group depending on who you tire off first. Only new friends minus boyfriend, or only boyfriend minus new friend.

In the last two years, I’ve dated two women and both dumped me. Prior to them, I broke up with a girl as I felt she was too serious about me. Now, I want to date her again. She is single but won’t give me a second chance. Please help.


The Romanian philosophe­r Nicole Pompesaiw said, “Sometimes we take a full circle to come back to the same spot”. That was because all roads in Bucharest were circular in nature, 2,000 years ago. Nicole was famous for getting lost, and landing up in the same spot. It was only much later that doctors discovered he had no power in his lower limbs, and had been immobile, and unable to move all his life. FR, you are doing a Nicole. Why go back to the same spot? I’m sure you can move your limbs, or at least wiggle your toes. She’s given you her answer, you had your chance before, and life for both of you has moved on. So stop going back to the same spot. Accept her answer, and move on.

I’ve never been in a relationsh­ip. Even in college, when guys proposed me, I stayed away from affairs. But now, I like two guys who have proposed to me. I am unable to decide. Please help.


RR, there are so many analogues available, lovers are like cars, lovers are like flowers, lovers are like sneakers, lovers are like cricket team. Let’s take any one. Let’s take cars for instance. Since Dussehra discounts are available, they are a good talking point. If you like two cars, you need to check out the pros and cons. You know, mileage, colour, engine capacity, interiors, features, power, whether it can fit through that ridiculous­ly, small space that they give you to drive through during naka bandhi. Please do the same with you suitors. Or try this, if one was to go missing, and leave the country, how would you feel? Whose absence would affect you more? Finally, go out with them for a week each.

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