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Too much salt in your diet can weaken your immune system


Rin mice with a listeria infection,” said study lead author Katarzyna Jobin from the University of Wurzburg.

“We had previously put some of them on a high-salt diet. In the spleen and liver of these animals, we counted 100 to 1,000 times the number of disease-causing pathogens,” Jobin added.

Listeria is a bacteria that are found for instance in contaminat­ed food and can cause fever, vomiting and sepsis. Urinary tract infections also healed much more slowly in laboratory mice fed a highsalt diet.

Sodium chloride also appears to have a negative effect on the human immune system, the study said.“We examined volunteers who consumed six grams of salt in addition to their daily intake, this is roughly the amount contained in two fast-food meals, i.e. two burgers and two portions of French fries,” Kurts said.

After one week, the scientists took blood from participan­ts and examined the granulocyt­es. The immune cells coped much worse with bacteria after the test participan­ts had started to eat a high-salt diet.

In human volunteers, excessive salt intake also resulted in increased glucocorti­coid levels. The bestknown glucocorti­coid cortisone is traditiona­lly used to suppress inflammati­on, according to the study.

“Only through investigat­ions in an entire organism were we able to uncover the complex control circuits that lead from salt intake to this immunodefi­ciency,” Kurts stressed.

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 ??  ?? Not more than 5gms of salt should be consumed a day
Not more than 5gms of salt should be consumed a day

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