HT Cafe

‘Was not ready to give 30 days a month to television’

- Vinay MR Mishra

Working on TV is not an issue; it’s the monotony that kicks in because you are doing the same thing over and over again. KARAN WAHI, Actor

He has hosted a number of TV shows, but actor Karan Wahi has been away from daily soaps for almost six years. However, the sabbatical has not really bothered him.

Ask what kept him away for so long, and Wahi, who will soon return to the tube for a show, says it wasn’t a lack of creativity that kept him away from TV. “They were creatively satisfying... TV needs 25-30 days a month. But, I was not ready to give 30 days a month, because I feel I’ll burn myself out and won’t be able to do justice to it.”

The Hundred actor admits he was aiming to make a comeback, but none of the offers fructified. Ask how many shows he has rejected, and he is quick to say, “I would not want to answer that question. Even if I answer that question with most humility, it will sound pompous.”

He further explains, “I have tried doing TV for the last few years. But, I want to do work that makes me happy, and not just for money. Initially, money was a necessity, because we didn’t make that much. But with time, you look for more.”

He also clarifies he isn’t averse to television projects. “I believe there is a certain funda I work on. Working on TV is not an issue; it’s the time frame that you have to give or the monotony that kicks in because you are doing the same thing over and over again. Sometimes, you become complacent, and you don’t get to know that,” he says.

Having said that, Wahi does believe that TV “has evolved with time”. He adds, “TV has gone through ups and downs, but it’s still consistent. It is shot differentl­y. I’m happy with my [new] show, as it’s written so well. I love the aspect that there are makers who are so passionate about making a show.”

While his upcoming show is all about love, ask about his love life and he’s quick to say, “There is no lover in my life right now. The only lover I have in my life is my show, I guess.” So, is he single? Pat comes the reply: “I think a lot of people have known this for a long time.”

Wahi has been quite vocal about his relationsh­ip with actor Uditi Singh. However, he doesn’t wish to talk about the breakup, which our sources confirm took place a few months ago. It is also believed that the two have deleted each other’s pictures from their social media accounts. “I’m here only to talk about work,” he signs off.*

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