HT City

Approach exams with confidence


With exams around the corner, parents are anxious and want to know the best way they can help their children. Grace Pinto, managing director, Ryan Internatio­nal Group of Institutio­ns gives some advice on this subject.

Parents we spoke to, said that they would stop other activities of their children and make them glued to their textbooks. I do understand that examinatio­ns cause certain level of anxiety and worry, however, there are ways to tackle the excessive anxiety of exams. Stopping all other activities and placing unrealisti­c expectatio­ns on children is not the way; it only increases mental torture resulting in poor results. Tips: If students put in their best efforts and potential, they will definitely come out with excellent results. Children are precious; God has made them fearfully, lovingly and they have a special plan for their lives. I would suggest that every student must take good care, and focus on the following guidelines which will help them in reducing stress and preparing well for exams.

Make a time-table and follow it with discipline Avoid last minute work. Practice regularly and be consistent . Clear doubts to ensure understand­ing of basic concepts. Ask questions to your teachers.

Sleep well, as good sleep is essential to remain fresh; so do not skip sleep especially during the exam.

Eat nutritious diet for the brain to remain active and perform well. Drink sufficient water at regular intervals to refresh yourself.

Do basic breathing exercise which will help you remain agile. Make time for city recreation; it will revitalize your energy and make time for daily prayers to seek God’s blessings.

 ??  ?? Grace Pinto Managing Director Ryan Internatio­nal Group of Institutio­ns
Grace Pinto Managing Director Ryan Internatio­nal Group of Institutio­ns

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