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Improve the health of your skin

- Anjali Mukerjee, nutritioni­st

Here’s the thing — the more fat you consume, the oilier your skin gets. The body attempts to eliminate toxins, fats and oils through the pores of our skin. Reduce the intake of fatty food, and you’ll see dramatic changes in the health of your skin.

Acne is common in teens due to hormonal changes at puberty. Skin problems such as acne and eczema respond well to a programme of diet, herbs and vitamins. Some key skin vitamins are listed below:

Vitamin A: It’s a powerful vitamin for acne and hormone stability. But if you’re planning a baby, avoid vit A supplement­s, as high doses can cause foetal defects. Vit A is a potent infection fighter and helps boost immunity.

Zinc: It’s critical to maintain healthy skin and for healthy functionin­g of our immune system. Refined foods and excessive consumptio­n of non-veg food depletes the body of zinc. Zinc is useful in controllin­g acne, eczema, frequent colds and blood sugar imbalances. When you are under physical or emotional stress, you tend to have zinc deficiency. This may be one of the reasons why you are more prone to acne when under stress. Natural sources of zinc include pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds, sesame seeds. You can take supplement­s of zinc sulphate or zinc picolinate.

Vitamin C :Itisso fundamenta­l to our health that there is possibly no condition which does not improve with vitamin C. When taken in high doses of 1,000 mg or more, it adds a translucen­t glow to your skin. It’s helpful in conditions such as common cold, asthma, allergies, high blood pressure to cancer. It helps preserve collagen, thus preventing or delaying wrinkle formation. Natural sources include guava, capsicum, oranges, sour lime, sweet lime, green tea and most raw fruits and raw vegetables. The benefit of consuming fresh juices is that they contain the entire family of C-complex which has more effect than when taken in the synthetic form.

Smile: In addition to correcting diet and taking vitamins, it is important to wear a smile on your face for most of the day. It helps to control stress and makes you glow from within... I’ve never seen a smiling face that was not beautiful!

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