HT City

Achieve more in less


The unofficial mission statement for minimalist design came from the German architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe: Less is more. But there was another definition from American designer Buckminste­r Fuller: “Doing more with less.”

This style demands you to pare down your furnishing­s to the bare essentials so that you are left with a set of curated objects that deliver maximum impact. Far from being boring, the style is bold, functional and highly memorable.

Simple in form and function, minimalism is devoid of pointless decoration­s, yet expensive. You would never hear that minimalism is a cheap option. Contrary to what people may believe, minimalism was never inspired by poverty and austerity. In fact, it’s frequently considered a style of the super-rich. The attitude is: I can have anything, but I won’t clutter my home; instead, I will acquire only the most elegant, simple objects available.

In India, where less is always less and more is never enough, getting the ethos right is tough. Moreover bright colours and extravagan­t interiors are integral to the country’s culture. However the designers are now moving towards sustainabl­e movement and minimalist décor. Unlike the Japanese movement, Indian minimalism is more inclined towards use of rustic wood than metal or glass. Indian minimalism is about practicali­ty, sustainabi­lity and restraint. But it continues to be cloaked in traditiona­l materials and aesthetics.Its about making spaces look serene and not sterile.

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