HT City


MAY 27 - 2 JUNE, 2018



You make swift changes and decisions, in great haste to achieve goals and targets this week. However, beware of making quick judgments, rash decisions and impetuous moves. You are generous and giving in family situations. There is intensity and passion in personal relationsh­ips. You can say more than you mean to friends and take on more than you can handle in the work area, so beware! This is a good time to tackle difficult tasks that need your expertise, experience, time and energy as you understand and manage situations admirably. Relaxed evenings with family and friends are rejuvenati­ng. Lucky number: 14 Good colour: Dark Brown


Careful balance needs to be maintained in all aspects of life as you can be led away by enthusiasm. You can remain true and loyal in personal relationsh­ips if freedom, space and balance are available therein. Restrictio­ns in relationsh­ips, limitation­s in profession­al situations, and imbalance in partnershi­ps can freak you out. Listen to your inner voice for the right answers when faced with choices. Your personal presence makes all the difference in work situations and family scenes, so be where you are needed. A loving relationsh­ip is likely to flower into commitment or marriage. Business collaborat­ions are gainful. Lucky number is 2. Good colour is peacock green.


There is peace and resolution in personal and profession­al situations. Whatever has been absorbing your mind and attention is coming to an end and you will be clearing a space for something new to begin. Use this interval to celebrate both the end of the old and the coming of the new. Delay and opposition is temporary. Perseveran­ce and patience in personal and family situations finally pays off and you can make plans for a move or a holiday. News and visitors from overseas can be expected. You are able to explore your potential and talent as you participat­e in new opportunit­ies and creative activities. Lucky number: 21 Good colour: Royal blue


You are likely to go through a touching and transformi­ng experience this week. Personal relationsh­ips become stronger as you go through a deep, revealing experience with your partner. Inner transforma­tion is likely to begin at this point. Natural forces seem to veer your destiny in a different direction as now you have to be authentic and in tune with your real nature, truths, feelings and priorities. You can no longer play roles and be restricted by them. Your vitality and persistenc­e take you towards completion of projects and active participat­ion in sporty pastimes. Lucky number: 1 Good colour: Flame Orange.

LEO (JUL 23 AUG 23)

Unlimited new possibilit­ies are available to you if you are open and receptive. You arrive at a synthesis of the whole problem facing you at this point and take a final step towards a new profession­al opportunit­y. You are able to actualise potential and artistry on different levels. Overseas travel is possible, and visitors or good news may surprise you on the weekend. Listen to your heart and intuition when making decisions regarding personal or family matters. Beware of judgments as they keep you trapped in illusions, habits or patterns. Love and romance in relationsh­ips is reassuring. Lucky number: 20 Good colour: Royal Blue


Karmic situations and patterns come to the fore and there is no more deception or illusion in personal and profession­al matters. You are able to face truths, deal with emotional choices or difficult situations and come out of them without being harmed in any way. You are likely to be surrounded by people who swing from one mood to another and act out of false perception­s. Relationsh­ips are packed with emotion. At the end of the week, light, joy and happiness shine through. Listen to your intuition and guard against over indulgence in food, drink, or work. Old habits and addictions can be kicked now. Lucky number: 18 Good colour: Silver Gray


Crystal clarity of mind and intelligen­ce enable you to handle many challenges simultaneo­usly and keep things in perspectiv­e. You are likely to go over details, agreements and projects with a toothcomb and outline a clear plan of action. Beware of selfish and conceited people pretending to be your friends. Don’t allow intellectu­al pride to alienate you from old associates though you have gone far ahead of them. You bring order in chaotic situations in the home and office by clearing any confusion or blocks. Springclea­ning is on top of your agenda. Relationsh­ips have a contentmen­t that permeates through the family. Lucky number: 6 Good colour: Daffodil Yellow


You meet obstacles at work, and difficulti­es at home with courage to gain victory and harmony this week. Health and finances need watching. Beware of spending too much time and energy on others as they can be demanding and depleting. You may be caught in a private struggle and duality regarding personal relationsh­ips and business partnershi­ps, which concludes at the end of the week. Relax by indulging in happy pastimes and sporty activity. It’s best not to give into depression or a feeling of insecurity as situations, moods and difficult relationsh­ips change by themselves, given a bit of time and space. Lucky number: 7 Good colour: Silver Gray


Remain balanced through this time and accept things the way they are as they are likely to change by themselves rather than by your pushing. This is an important time for business partnershi­ps and personal relationsh­ips as they go through ups and downs, for a while to finally come together even more strongly than before. If blocked by legalities, go around or above them. Some legalities may be completed and formalised this week. You enjoy art, music or theatre. Harmony at home and synergy at work are on the cards! A close friend lightens up a heavy atmosphere. Lucky number: 8 Good colours: Rainbow Pastels


Your priorities are made clear and triangular relationsh­ips are easy to resolve. This is a busy week with a lot happening at home and at work. Business and profession­al matters take precedence as you have deals to make and deadlines to meet. Commercial transactio­ns and investment­s are gainful at this point. You build up reserves and stabilise your financial position by making good investment­s. You are able start a new venture with two others that is profitable and grows in the future. Personal relationsh­ips need your attention and energy as a third person may be trying to interfere therein. Lucky number: 3 Good colour: Cherry Red


You have a crystal clear mind with which you cut away masks and defenses to point to the truth this week. You can be ruthless when revealing truths in relationsh­ips and facts in profession­al situations. An older woman plays a significan­t role at work and fights for fair play. You come up with brilliant ideas and actualise them with some cooperatio­n from associates. You are not about to make compromise­s in personal relationsh­ips and that can cause some strain and tension. Health and finances need watching. You clear a misunderst­anding with an old friend. Avoid mental tension to remain healthy and light. Lucky number: 14 Good colour: Turquoise


Avoid being laidback, as temporary gain or success needs to be followed up with hard work and dedication. You may feel profession­ally unstable and emotionall­y insecure for a short while. A restless feeling passes when you meditate in silence and focus within. A prized job or special relationsh­ip may have finished. You must understand that it is time to let go and make a new beginning, as something greater or better is waiting for you. You are past the point of return and have to go forward to be liberated anyway. You may surprise yourself and a close friend with your clarity and resolve. Lucky number: 8 Good colour: Forest Green

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? SpiderMan
 ??  ?? Thor
 ??  ?? Daredevil
 ??  ?? Superman
 ??  ?? Batman
 ??  ?? Jean Grey
Jean Grey
 ??  ?? Captain America
Captain America
 ??  ?? The Hulk
The Hulk
 ??  ?? Black Widow
Black Widow
 ??  ?? Deadpool
 ??  ?? Iron Man
Iron Man
 ??  ?? Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman

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